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RESOLUTION <br /> Whereas, Ramsey County presented a plan for acquiring and developing <br /> a park in the city of Hugo and Washington County in the <br /> Fall and 'winter of 1976 to be called Otter Lake Park; <br /> Whereas, The people in the area of the proposed park reasonably and <br /> vigoruosly opposed the acquistion and development of a park <br /> in this area. To assure that their sentiments were known <br /> and that thegr understood the plan, these people attended and <br /> testified before the Lugo City Planning Commission and the <br /> Hugo City Council; <br /> Whereas, The Hugo City Planning Commission listened to the Ramsey <br /> County plan for acquiring and developing a park, considered <br /> the views of the residents of the area and the people of <br /> Hugo, and unanimously voted to recommend that the Hugo City <br /> Council deny the acquistion and development of the portion <br /> of Otter Lake Park in Hugo and Washington County; <br /> Whereas, The Hugo City Council carefully reheard the Ramsey County <br /> plan for acquiring and developing a park, considered the <br /> views of the residents of the area and the people of Hugo, <br /> and the unanimous recommendation of the Hugo City Planning <br /> Commission, and voted unanimously to deny the acquistion <br /> and development of the portion of Otter Lake Park in Hugo <br /> and Washington County; now, therefore, be it <br /> Resolved, That the Hugo City Planning Connuission requests that the <br /> Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Parks and Open <br /> Space Commission stop further attempts to acquire and <br /> develop an Otter Lake Park in Hugo and Washington County <br /> and delete the Otter Lake Park in Hugo and Washington <br /> County from the Metropolitan System Statement. <br />