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SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 "" <br /> At this hearing the managers shall hear all parties interested who may be for or <br /> against the establishment of the proposed improvement and the confirming of the <br /> reports. <br /> All questions relative to the proposed improvement including jurisdiction, sufficiency <br /> of the petition, practicability and necessity shall be determined upon evidence pre— <br /> sented at this hearing. Any findings made by the managers prior to this hearing shall <br /> not be conclusive but shall be subject to further investigation consideration and <br /> determination at this hearing . By statute, the Board may order and direct the mod— <br /> ification of the engineer's report and the assessment of benefits and damages and <br /> amend or change the list of property reported as assessable. <br /> If the Board finds that the improvement will be conducive to public health and promote <br /> the general welfare and is in compliance with the provisions and purposes of M. S. <br /> Chapter 112, and that the benefits resulting therefrom will be greater than the cost <br /> of construction and damages, it will make findings accordingly and order and direct <br /> the construction of the improvement and confirm the report of the engineer and of the <br /> appraisers. <br /> Plans and specifications for the necessary construction shall be ordered and this <br /> hearing recessed to await the engineer's report and receipt of bids. <br /> If on the other hand the Board does not find the aforesaid, it may dismiss the petition <br /> or order further investigation of such matters as may be found necessary as a result of <br /> this hearing and order a continuance pending report of the same. <br /> The order of the hearing is as follows: the petitioner shall verify petition, engineer <br /> shall testify and appraisers shall explain their report and the method of reaching at <br /> their conclusion. <br /> The Board is neither a proponent nor opponent or objector to the proposed improvement, <br /> but shall make its findings and final determination upon the facts and evidence pre— <br /> sented at the hearing and any continuance thereof. <br /> Ron Harneck stated he would hope to make a determination that evening as a second <br /> meeting is co.,tly. <br /> Bruce Sandstrom, DNR reprted as follow: <br /> The construction or reconstruction of dams and other water level controls or changing <br /> the level of an existing structure shall not be permitted where it is proposed to raise <br />