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MARCH 13,1978 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HUGO 071) <br /> COUNCIL <br /> The public hearing to consider the proposed ordinance to abolish the rural <br /> tax district was called to order by acting Mayor, Dan Spitzer, at 7:05 PM. <br /> PRESENT: Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail, and City Attorney Charles <br /> Johnson. <br /> ABSENT: LaValle <br /> Mr. Spitzer read the notice of the public hearing as published in the Forest <br /> Lake Times. There were numerous charts on display, and each was illustrated <br /> to the citizenship. Thesecharts are on file at Hugo City Hall. <br /> Mr. Spitzer then opened the meeting for questions by the public. <br /> Mr. Larry Ehret <br /> 14564 Keystone Avenue - Ehret felt that the figures presented for money spent <br /> on streets and roads i'tas not totally accurate. Over <br /> a period of years, the roads had gone into a state of <br /> general disrepair. The money spent were just for years <br /> 1977-1978. He also stated that there was little chance <br /> of saving a home from fire in the rural area. Mr. Ehre <br /> stated that most rural roads were gravel, and impass- <br /> able in the spring. <br /> Spitzer - the figures given do not indicate what went on before 1977. He also <br /> stated that property owners were responsible for paying for their blacktopped <br /> streets. <br /> Mary Lysne <br /> 15063 Greene Avenue - The rural is much bigger, and would naturally take <br /> more money to take care of. She also felt the tax <br /> increase would hurt the farmer. <br /> Spitzer - the urban portion of tax - 15.73 mills <br /> rural - 12.82 mills <br /> If there was a uniform taxing rate, the mill rate would be 13.84 <br /> for everyone (a net increase of 1 .02 per $1 ,000 of assessed value) . <br /> According to state statutes, the city has to certify and review on <br /> an annual basis to see if rural receives lesser services. <br /> Darrell Jacobson <br /> 6364 165th Street North - The rural would be paying more money and not re- <br /> ceiving any more services then before. <br /> Tom Pogreba <br /> 9441 180th Street North - wanted to know what advantage the rural would have <br /> that they don't have now. <br /> Spitzer - the emergency departments respond to all calls on .an equal basis. <br /> Jim Phillips <br /> 6319 175th Street North - what percentage are living in town as opposed to <br /> rural? <br /> Spitzer - did not have an exact number to answer with, but estimated that the <br /> old township had more people by 2 to 1 . <br />