JTE 51 1978 0 F TTE, '�r-TT TGO CT?,_Y COUNCII,
<br />pr T11 I I q1T T E j S _11Pt0C7_1jEDT1,TGS OF THE .j
<br />The nneetinlr) "1r was called to order by T-Tayor liaVaalle at 7:03 PT,1
<br />1"
<br />PRESENT: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld,
<br />.,__BSENT: Vail.
<br />3 -* 0 jAPPRO1rAL Off' TJI1!UTES
<br />11---m-wo"Opm
<br />MOTION:
<br />MEW
<br />Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to approve the
<br />minutes of Mlay 15, 1978, after the following changes are
<br />C)
<br />made
<br />Page 4 (BESA) change spellinr-7CD to Selchow
<br />Q�) I
<br />Change in General Claims — Omnit Minnesota Department of
<br />Revenue in the amount of "'808.80 (total General_ Claims
<br />55.E *72
<br />Change in Utility Claims' — Omit Water Products Company in
<br />the amount of $68-34 (total Utility Claims 1,1,30A.24)
<br />EaValle, Spitzer,. Schletty, and irsfeld,
<br />ITIOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to approve the
<br />minutes of !lay 25, 1978, as presented,
<br />VOTTNG FOR: laValle, Spitzer, Schietty, and Irsfeld,
<br />4*0A',%.PPROV.&I OF CIA TMS
<br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded bv Irsfeld, to approve the
<br />Q
<br />General Cla_'Uns for June 5, 1978), as presented,
<br />VOTING FOr-,,,: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld,
<br />wpm
<br />T.,10TION: Spitzer mad,. --.-N motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to approve the
<br />Utility Claims for June 5, 1978, as presented,
<br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld,
<br />MW
<br />5.1 -Joseph rare oire — Mobile Ylome Renewal
<br />T-,-T-OT- I ON*: Schletty made motion, seconded by Spitzer, to grant tine re-
<br />newal of the 1-7i.obile T-bone Perrilit for ZJose-oh Gregoire, 7600
<br />165th Street, Hugo, TvT'innesota, under Chapter 40, -ilrticle I'.
<br />Subdivision D, for ninety days,
<br />VOTING FOR: I!aValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld,
<br />�j
<br />