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June 19, 1978 <br />MOTION. LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, <br />Approval for Thomas Perzichilli indicate <br />area surface water drainage drain towards <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />DTOTION CARRIED <br />5.17 --Kim. Hunter V.Special. Use Per.,..jit <br />that the Site Ple <br />that the parking <br />Forest Boulevard <br />Ms. Hunter was not present at the meeting because she was unable to obtain a <br />perc test as requested. Tom Crever was present, and disputed her statement <br />that Mr. Crever had inspected the site and found the building to b structuall <br />sound. Mr. Crever stated that the walls were. crumbling and basement unsound. <br />LaValle requested Mr. Crever to make a report regarding the condition of the <br />structure. <br />5.5 Bernie McDermaid — Joint Powers __-Agre'ement <br />WANXAWPONM� <br />Mr. McDermaid presented Mr. Johnson with a deed as drawn up by Grant 'Townshij <br />attorney, 111r, Briggs. Mr. McDermaid is creating one parcel of land (1.1 acre <br />in Hugo and 3.9 acres in Grant Township), 11r, Johnson had received a letter J <br />Mr. Briggs stating that at the Town Board meeting for Grant, they did not fe( <br />it was necessary to sign the Joint Powers Agreement regarding July Avenue, <br />because it would automatically be taken over the Washington County. LaValle <br />felt the agreement should be signed in order to protect the City of Hugo in <br />the future. Mr. Johnson will contact Mr. Briggs regarding this matter. <br />Johnson reviewed the deed, and stated that the following statement Should <br />be added: that conveyance is conditioned on ay subsquent transfer be approv( <br />by both Hugo and Grant Township, McDermaid will clarify the matter with Mr. <br />Briggs <br />MOTION!0 <br />Spitzer rade motion, seconded by LaValle, that the City <br />Clerk be 'instructed to sign the deed for Mr. McDermaid whei <br />the clause (s) requiring approval of the City of Hugo and <br />Grant Township for future convyances is added. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />6*0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br />6.1 Resolution reaardina Traffic Signal at 120th Street and Hifrhwav 61 <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City o -- <br />Hugo adopt RESOLUTION 1978-29, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE <br />MINNESOTA PUBLIC SERVICE TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF <br />INSTALLING SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTION OF 120TH STREET <br />NORTH AND HIGIrJAY 61 <br />VOTING FOR. LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />6.2 Subdivision Ordinance <br />Spitzer stated that a special meeting should be set up including the Planninj <br />Commission, City Council, attoriney, and engineer. The Council expressed a pi <br />ference for the end of July, and not a Monday or Wednesday, <br />