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G 2fie U Orih^n, 4056 12vt11 Street— 'Tarte, stated. he would lilwr; to see se -vier go <br />but not the itTa'ter. <br />Grace Jackson, foA' George CrocI_-ett, S-'U�.teC t.[lat she !gas in favor Of <br />sewer, <br />Robert ITerr, 4779 126th Street ':o rtri., stated tna-i, he was in favor of the <br />project. <br />Jirl I•"etry said that r:-iost lots in the improved area were over 150' and <br />s�rould be too costly. <br />11 resident stated t'_rlat it was his opinion that most of the people present at <br />•i;; -.e neeting, mould be in favor of assess;:ents for road irwprovements. LaValle <br />stated theftthe city was reluctant to go ahead with street improve'_aents, <br />wl,.en t -hey would have to tear tia.ez:i up t,,fhen sewer would more than liirely go in. <br />The -oubl_ic hearing closed at 7:55 PT -7. <br />Yo. oxd T'uusisto stated that it would cost appro,-�imately "'30,000 to get <br />ready for the letting; Of bids, <br />T?OTIOIT: Irsfeld x� motion, seconded by Schletty, to deny Project 77- <br />VOTIT'TG FOR: Spitzer, Sc'zletty, and Irsfeld. <br />VOTING ^,G2-,ITTSr': LaValle <br />T?OTIO'•T C -.`22IED <br />Jae Gre i oire - T-robi le Ho, -,ie Pemiiit <br />`-OTIOTT: Schletty made motion, seconded by Spitzer, to grar_t the re- <br />ne,aal of -th.e s*Iobile Homc Permit :for Joseph Gregoire, 7500 <br />165th Street ??orth, under Chapter 40, Article III, Subdivision <br />D. for ninety days. <br />VOTIE,G FO?: T.aValle, Spitzer, Schletty, mid Irsfeld <br />' "O` ! O1- C.: 11,25M D" <br />5.4 _ arl Schoeller - I'inor Subdivision <br />"r. Schoeller is recmosting to divide three '.xres into one acre parcels. <br />-!r-wren Carlson, representing her fa -'her, provided pert tests for :oto A. & B. <br />.'_iter -reviet-ral of the tests by Tori Crever and Hotra-rd T'uusi_sto, it ,r�j.s dete-rmd— <br />ed that lot A was satisfactory, but the test for lot 5 s:.lould Thave more borin, <br />IMTI01-: S—nitzer !i4ade motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that the T s,Ll Schoe <br />ller -re ;guest for a TTinor Subdivision be referred to the PDuin- <br />ing Co3mWhission for proper deter -urination of buildable sites on <br />the proposed lots. <br />VOTI''G FOR: Lal7alle, Spitzer, ;:Schletty, and Irsfeld <br />KOTION CAInL ,Ir?B <br />Let t'he record s,hovr that the Plannin Commission should forward the request <br />with alh acceptable pert test derlonstrating , buildable site. <br />5.5 A gist Glint°er - I'rinor Subdivision;. <br />='she Cm cil revilet-vmd the applica ion as submitted. Spitzer stated t - hat he <br />could not a.;ree with the subdivision ut-i L they get =pproval. ' orl ::'asTl.i�hgton <br />CoililtJT for another access on <br />T` mTOT•?: T,aValle _;jade :actio: -i, seconded by Spitzer, tTlat the request of <br />::tuL-;.ist Glin�er for a I•Tinor Subdivisiol-i be -referred to the <br />'lanlsi:gig U ..ii, issi.on, because the CityCouncil does not feel th( <br />lot line conform t o their vi _-we s . The driveway sdould cls o <br />be -reviewed for better arran.;erlent on the lot. The lot line <br />1._ r. c• r� t_ <br />�s-�:ioulc� be cap •le „�.12�.,te t•ri-ti.�. t?.le e>isti_ng .'r��.-t:'r <e,ssc.�s.�elhti. <br />i3_)_J U -z .. etty, r>2Zd s. , <br />e.c, :::,cT_l Ir,�.�e�d. <br />r` rrt T T rc r :ti �I"7 , <br />