7 - I
<br />,.ilne ui-cy ivaci _tecei
<br />r-ecessa.-cy:
<br />-_"?clition -!-or sigms on !1 -venue
<br />cd a pet-ition requestinc, si-ns ml ,,,.venue Chi e 't
<br />the i.mtter, -.).-ad deterlri-..:zed that the f -011m -ring signs were
<br />U
<br />)0 ---,lph zone, dead end sign, and right curve sign.
<br />Ll.adc 3 lotion,, seconded by Spitzer,, instructing
<br />Co'LI_"1cil:-]an Schiletty to see that the signs be installed as
<br />detailed in Chief Berth's reDort.
<br />VC."'LITITCT V011: LaVallet Spitzer, Schletty,, and Irsfeld
<br />" _'? I'M
<br />.NOTION C_,"i
<br />7.2 S.U'e--J':1'rt Attornre_%r s Ilel)ort
<br />T T T i 0 7: T -a -Valle :wade !-lotion, ce-crided by Irsfeld, to table the 3oSart
<br />m,atter until September 5, 1970.
<br />"'CTIT.-TG Schletty, and Irsfeld
<br />"071TCI�' m
<br />BITSI172SS
<br />1 Ordinance Coi-.qP.iittjee :yuestio 2s
<br />con-m-nittec is 7 or'I"infr or- revising the te_-.-_-in:-- districts, and is directed to
<br />A :11 - 6
<br />t'. 10 J. r r e 1. -) ort o -.:I the -'-,'.xinc, district by tulhe end of the year.
<br />�P
<br />T a,17a. r -�- .1 1 1 ,griculture should perfor�.-_.i the inse-pec-
<br />,.:, Ile stuat-ed tuh�at the *.r)ep,-.--- U,....ei t o
<br />tion of veneii:[', -_-'].'Sc.','1ines in -'U'-'-Le city. vendinE; ordinance is not in
<br />order.
<br />U I
<br />Spitzer stated that there aill be 0. 1)-Wbli�,, hearing to consider the 11-ni-rial
<br />Ordinance on Se-Ptellbc:u 210t 1(7"7'011
<br />at 7:30
<br />:.-11*,: Hu'ro City TTall. T".1e proper
<br />notice s'lould be published in the Forest IlJalce TILWs'
<br />_:G -'I011: Spitzer ,:14otion, seconded by LaValle, that the City
<br />Council provide c. secretary to take -minutos at t -'Ile hearing.
<br />'uL I r: ne ng
<br />n C_re�?-.,ger was desi,-.-,nated to attend -U.iis n- e t ir
<br />VOTING FGa: ,)..Valle, Spitzer, Schlotty, and Irs-feld
<br />T"O.ilICIT
<br />T.'ie official published notice 81.i.ould also state that co -ties of the or -
<br />p
<br />dinc.nce are on file at City -,.7 prior to tlie public hearing.
<br />City -cal for reviei U
<br />T -3 --ie Cit' !O'Gtorney has the Subdivision Ordinance under review.
<br />.'he -Thite Dear 1' ess is to be noti-fied to take the Ordinaxice Corimittee meetinLc
<br />date off their calender for publication in the newspaper.
<br />t=eat
<br />t"!e Ci_I_,
<br />T:et "le record show 'Y7 "o-Lincil is directing t1ae Ordina.m-ce Corm"it-teE
<br />uhat U ki
<br />to devise a taxing district ordinance that adds those areas t"Llat are part of
<br />ane coi-.mtercial and industrial use into the urban dist.-ict.
<br />^.2 7.m.,ard 77-ausisto
<br />:7 " -6 that -LILlss Tc, 0 stated lie,' 'Ite had -'net i:lith Uhe people in regard to ea;3-,-ellts fol
<br />tete Di -ridge Replacer..ier.t Ilro;-,,a-1. Attorney Jo'-uison have the final ease -
<br />.'r ... __ l
<br />men ts drab o. up. sisto hs talked to '.Jash-i_'I-f.'ton Countir, but nothing
<br />h;�.s been set for the taking of bids.
<br />r*-.Ullsisto s-uCb---'Iitted a report for -'U-he resolvink.:t�, of the Voil,'3ravidike
<br />> I C)g
<br />dispute. !WaVaile stated -'U-Iiat t' -ie city should no',.•i :.-:,ot a permanent easerient
<br />C' U u t.ei-p-,ary easement for the Brevig property,operty,
<br />and have the
<br />DeasemBmt vacated.
<br />T, -T 111 GIT Irsfold -r.1,'_,eLe Imotimaq seconded by Spitzer, iris truc t ing attorney
<br />JO',
<br />Imson to drai?-i up an agree-n-e-ritu beti.,.reen Jiro: Brevig and the
<br />City of TjTugo "t m. CD
<br />to resolve the CLi'..---e p -rola e
<br />VO.T.E."G, POIZ: LaValle, S-pitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld
<br />T*_'.OTI_10"_N,.!* CALL IED
<br />S-,,,)i-'U-zer made mot-io-n, seconded by Schletty, instructing the
<br />Cit r l' torney to pre!,pexe -an ease --lent- on Out -lot A for the re-
<br />location of the
<br />TOTIH 7G t: la,_'Talle, S-piSchletty,, and Irsfeld
<br />_LXj
<br />