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c? MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the <br />Minor Subdivision for Karl Schoeller, splitting Lot A into Lots <br />A & B. and that the Building Inspector be directed to consider <br />the amount of fill as required by the city's engineering office <br />to make lots buildable. <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld* and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, <br />of $200.00 be given the city for park funds <br />lots on Karl Schoeller's Minor Subdivision. <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />that the amount <br />for the entire three <br />5.1 Harold Bramstedt & Grace Development - Problem on Lot 1 (Valley View) <br />Mr. Kuusisto and Mr. Schletty have made an on-site inspection of the property, <br />and stated that the drain field is located on the same lot as house. Wells <br />are to be placed south of the drain field area so they can be monitored for <br />the ground water table. Mr. Bramstedt was present and stated they have the <br />wells in place for inspection. Spitzer stated that the wells should now be <br />monitored, and a final report be made by June 30, 1979. Mr. Kuusisto is to als <br />advise as to the amount of fill that will be required on Lots 2 & 3. When <br />Mr. Kuusisto specified the amount of fill on Lots 2 & 3, Lot 1 should be <br />filled at the same time to bring to the level of the other 2 lots (drain <br />field only). <br />MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City <br />direct the City Engineer to monitor the wells on Lot 1 for a <br />period commencing now and ending on June 30, 1979. At the <br />same time, he is to inform Grace Development as to the <br />amount of fill needed on Lots 2 & 3, and Mr. Bramstedt on the <br />balance on Lot 1. <br />VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />Mr. Ken Tschida was present, and asked about the selling of Lot 3 by metes <br />and bounds. The subdivision should not have been considered Minor because <br />there were more than three lots being considered. Spitzer stated that the <br />Planning Commission should watch Minor Subdivisions more closely, but in <br />this particular case, metes and bounds will be the method of conveyance. The <br />City Clerk is to verify these dimensions. <br />5.9 Vern Peloauin - Minor Subdivision <br />MOTION: <br />VOTING FOR: <br />Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, <br />division for Vern Peloquin at 148th Street <br />land and fund to be paid is $75.00. <br />Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.6 Fred Benson - Special Use Permit <br />that the Minor Sub - <br />be approved. Park <br />Mr. Benson is requesting permission to construct a dog kennel on 217 acres <br />located in Section 26. The kennel will train dogs, and also board them. A <br />site plan of the proposed kennel is on file. <br />