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86 JULY 2, 1979 <br /> 5.4 Mr. Gerald Dabe - Question on land matter <br /> Mr. Dabe owns forty acres with a road easement dividing the property <br /> in half. He wants to sell his house and twenty acres and build on <br /> the other twenty acres. He was informed that it would be necessary <br /> to have a joint maintenance agreement for maintenance of the common <br /> driveway. Mr. Dabe was instructed to furnish the City Attorney with <br /> the name of his legal counsel so that they could draw up the necessary <br /> agreement. Building Inspector instructed not to issue building per- <br /> mit until City has opportunity to inspect driveway maintenance agree- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. Dabe asked questions regarding the person who is farming the land <br /> adjacent to the other side of the ditch and is plowing inside the ease- <br /> ment and diverting the waterfiow. Council informed him that the City <br /> cannot get involved in private matters, but he should seek advice from <br /> his legal counsel. <br /> 5,.5 Larry Schmidt - Board Fence at Schmidts <br /> Mr. Schmidt did not appear - Matter tabled until later in the evening. <br /> 5;;,6 Doug Kruse - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Kruse owns a home on the west side of Ingersoll Avenue - purchased <br /> an additional 2i acres on the east side of Ingersoll Avenue. Since <br /> adding a new septic system, he does not have sufficient land on which <br /> to build a garage, so he wishes to build a garage on the east side of <br /> the road. Mr. Kruse instructed by the Council that they wish to obtain <br /> a 33 foot easement from him for widening of the road, and if he is <br /> willing to give them that easement, they will grant him a variance, <br /> since a variance is required in order to build an accessory building <br /> when there is no home on the property. Mr. Kurse indicated he was <br /> willing to give the City the easement. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Vail, that Mr. Kruse <br /> be granted a variance from Chapter 320.4, Subdivision G <br /> in order to permit the construction of a garage on the <br /> property described as the North 219 feet of the South <br /> 667 feet, of the West 486.16 feet of Government Lot 5, <br /> Section 35, T31N, R21W, Washington County, Minnesota, <br /> containing 2.45 acres more or less, subject to Ingersoll <br /> Avenue North along the west line, according to U. S. <br /> Government survey thereof, also known as Tract No. C2, <br /> provided that 1 ) Mr. Kruse delivers to the City an <br /> easement of thirty three feet for a road right-of-way <br /> on the westerly portion of the property, 2) that Mr. <br /> Kruse delivers acceptable proof of ownership to the <br /> City Office prior to the issuance of this variance, <br /> and 3) this variance shall be void if the conditions <br /> are not fulfilled within sixty days. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> The Council directed the City Attorney to draw up the papers for the ` <br /> easement. <br />