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134 OCTOBER 1 , 1979 <br /> Dennis Quinlan - Special Use Permit - continued <br /> He already has an attached garage. The second garage will be used for personal <br /> storage. Mr. Quinlan's land lies in the RRII zone. After reviewing, Spitzer did <br /> not feel a Special Use Permit was in order. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the application <br /> for Special Use Permit made by Dennis Quinlan, 12842 Homestead <br /> Avenue, be vacated on the grounds that a Special Use Permit is <br /> not required for action conemplated. The $35.00 fee to be refunded. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer and Schletty <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 James WArnecke - Variance and Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Warnecke, owner of 11 acres in the Agricultural zone, would like to construct <br /> a 30 x 56 pole barn prior to the main residence. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion to grant a Special Use Permit to James Warnecke <br /> to construct an accessory building prior to the main residence <br /> subject to the following: <br /> 1 . Letter of credit, in the amount of $5,000.00, be provided to <br /> insure obtaining of a valid Building Permit. <br /> 2. The Special Use Permit will be valid only so long as applicant <br /> is record owner of property. <br /> 3. The Site Plan, as submitted, to be followed. <br /> Spitzer withdrew his motion. <br /> Mr. Warnecke stated that he had supplied a copy of a perc test for his property to <br /> Tom Crever, and Mr. Crever approved. (VAIL ARRIVED AT 7:16 P.M. ) . LaValle stated <br /> that in other cases of this nature, there was a valid permit in force from the <br /> Building Inspector. Warnecke stated that he is building an underground house and <br /> would need the assistance ,of structural engineers which could take alot of time. <br /> He had contemplated construction of the pole barn this fall. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconde d by Schletty, to grant a Special Use <br /> Permit to James Warnecke for construction of an accessory building <br /> prior to the main residence, subject to the following: <br /> 1 . A letter of credit, in the amount of $5,000.00, be maintained <br /> current in favor of the City, until Mr. Warnecke obtains a valid <br /> Building Permit for construction of the principal residence. This <br /> Building Permit shall be obtained no later than May 1 , 1980. <br /> 2. That the letter of credit will be in default if the Building Permit <br /> is not obtained by that time or Mr. Warnecke transfers ownership <br /> of the property. <br /> 3. The Site Plan on file with the City be followed in its <br /> essentials. <br />