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OCTOBER 15, 1979 <br /> 143: <br /> STAN'S WITHROW JUNCTION - Continued <br /> Spitzer also made as part of the record a letter received form Mrs. Mary Ecker rep- <br /> resenting CONCERNED CITIZENS OF HUGO AT WITHROW. This letter listed several complaints <br /> relating to the exterior activities around Mr. Lynn's bar. <br /> Attorney Johnson had submitted a letter stating the changes he has suggested in the <br /> drafted ordinance relating to nude dancing in premises selling intoxicating liquor. <br /> The Council reviewed these proposed changes. <br /> Mr. George Knutson, 10051 Kerry Court, stated that this type of entertainment was <br /> an imposition on local residents. The rights of many people are greater than those <br /> of one individual. This type of entertainment does not help the image of a community. <br /> Mrs. Linda Rosenbush, 12011 Keystone Avenue, stated that she lives across the street <br /> from Stan's and has three small children. This is not the type of atmosphere she <br /> wants to raise her children in. On October 5, she had to keep her children indoors <br /> because of the activity outside of Stan's bar. She did not care for the type of <br /> people this kind of activity brought into the .community. <br /> Spitzer directed the Police Department to investigate the complaints listed in the <br /> letter received form Mrs. Ecker. <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by Vail, that the proposed ordinance <br /> regulating entertainment in premises selling intoxicating liquor be <br /> referred to the Ordinance Committee. <br /> VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Mr. Lynn arrived at the meeting at this point, and stated that he was informed that <br /> the meeting did not start until 7:30 P.M. He stated that he was not aware of the <br /> activities outside of his establishment as stated in Mrs. Ecker's letter. He also <br /> stated that the flyer regarding "girl show" at his establishment was distributed by <br /> his authority. <br /> 5.1 Walter Stoltzman - Farm Site Plan <br /> Mr. Stoltzman, 8221 157th Street North, would like to construct a 32x 48 pole barn <br /> to be used for repairing of his own equipment and storage. <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by Vail, to approve the Farm Site Plan <br /> for Walter Stoltzman, to construct a 32 x 48 pole barn to be used in <br /> the repairing of his own equipment and for personal storage. <br /> VOTING FOR: Spitzer, Schletty and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 Richard Brandt - Farm Site Plan <br /> Mr. Brandt, 9950 152nd Street North, would like to construct a 40 x 60 barn to <br /> be used for storage. He owns 20 acres in the Conservancy zone. <br />