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r�R, <br /> MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> PUBLIC HEARING- PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br /> May 12, 1981 <br /> The public hearing to consider Hugo's proposed Comprdhensive Plan was called to <br /> order by Mayor Marvin LaValle at 7:05 PM. <br /> CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Marvin LaValle, Mike McAllister, Howard Schletty, Larry <br /> Irsfeld, Deane Vail <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION: Theodora Peltier, Ken Lorch, Vern Peloquin, Bill Hanson <br /> CONSULTANTS: City Attorney Charles Johnson, City Engineer Howard Kuusisto, <br /> and Washington County Planner Robert Lockyear <br /> The public hearing notice, as published in the Forest Lake Times, was read by <br /> Mayor LaValle. <br /> Attorney Johnson was requested to provide a background of how and why Hugo was re- <br /> quired to submit a Comprehensive Plan. Because of legislation enacting the Land <br /> Planning Act, each community and local government unit is required to prepare a <br /> Comprehensive Plan in conformance with this Act. The City of Hugo must submit their <br /> proposal to the surrounding communities, and has until July 1 , 1981 , in which to <br /> prepare a final plan to be submitted to the Metro Council. <br /> Washington County Planner stated that the plan that has been prepared by the City <br /> Council and Planning Commission is plan that is responsive to the interests of <br /> the public, and does a favorable job in handling specifics for the next few years. <br /> The proposed plan fits into what Washington County is interested in, and endorsed <br /> the city's efforts.. <br /> Joe Marier was the only resident from the City of Hugo present for the public hearing. <br /> Engineer Kuusisto was requested to comment on the proposed plan as it relates to the <br /> sanitary sewer. Mr. Kuusisto stated that the original Comp Plan included a compre- <br /> hensive sewer plan that was to be used as a guide for growth pattern within the city. <br /> The plan has served the City well through the change in times, and has met with the <br /> approval of the Metro Waste Control Commission at this point in time. On-site septic <br /> system *is addressed in the proposed plan on page 56. <br /> Joe Marier commented that the reason for lack of interest in the public hearing was <br /> because the people are satisfied that their government officials are serving the <br /> community according to their desires. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Vail, that immediately following the <br /> closing of the public hearing, there will be a meeting of the City Council <br /> to consider submission of the plan to surrounding local government units. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by McAllister, to close the public hearing <br /> at 7:35 PM. . <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />