June 15, 1981
<br /> Mayor LaValle stated that when the claim from the inspection is received by the
<br /> City, a letter can be forwarded by the City Attorney.
<br /> 5.4 Bruce Myhre - Nuisance Complaint
<br /> Mayor LaValle had made a late on-siteinspection of the Myhre property, and stated
<br /> that Mr. Novy has a legitimate complaint (paint fumes) . LaValle stated that the .
<br /> revocation of a Special Use Permit follows the same process as rezoning (public
<br /> hearing, notify adjoining property owners., etc. ) . Mr. Novy was present, and
<br /> stated that Myhre told him that he would install a ventilation or filter system
<br /> facing to the south to alleviate any fumes from going in the Novy direction.
<br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to notify the permit holder
<br /> (Bruce Myhre) that his Special Use Permit will be subject to special
<br /> review at the next City Council meeting of July 6, 1981 , at 7:15 PM.
<br /> Letter to be forwarded by registered mail.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schietty, Irsfeld, Vail
<br /> 5.6 Wayne Bjorum - Land Division
<br /> Mr. Bjorum is proposing the sale of 20 acres in the Conservancy zone. Proof of
<br /> ownership was provided to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. The Certificate
<br /> of Survey includes a strip of land for driveway purposes, and should have a re-
<br /> strictive covenant attached indicating such, and not to be used as buildable lot.
<br /> The survey submitted indicates two parcels but will be corrected to show one 20
<br /> acre parcel with the strip of land for a driveway to the Bjorum residence.
<br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by McAllister, to approve the Land Division
<br /> for Wayne Bjorum subject to a drawing from the surveyor combining
<br /> Parcels A & B and the existing drawing be combined into one parcel.
<br /> Parcel shown as Parcel C should have a restrictive covenant stating that
<br /> it is not a buildable lot in the City of Hugo and for driveway purposes
<br /> only.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schietty, Irsfeld, Vail
<br /> 5.7 Jeff Barbour - Amended Special Use Permit and Letter of Credit
<br /> At this time, Mr. Barbour has not submitted his application for an Amended Special
<br /> Use Permit for the inclusion of Item 15. His Letter of Credit, in the amount of
<br /> $5,000.00. covering Items 1 , 2, and 3 of the permit, will expire June 28, 1981 .
<br /> The attorney had received a copy of a deed submitted to the clerk's office for her
<br /> signature, for property on which the house of Joyce Barbour is located. Joyce
<br /> Barbour is a separate ownership, and not a part of the kennel operation.
<br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, that Mr. Barbour's Letter of
<br /> Credit, in the amount of $5,000.00, be extended until December 31 , 1981 ,
<br /> at which time phase 2 is to be completed. If not completed by this time,
<br /> the whole Special use Permit will be null and void per Item 14 of Amended
<br /> Special Use Permit #2, dated October 6, 1980. If the extended Letter
<br /> of Credit is not received by June 24, 1981 (12:00 noon) , the City Clerk
<br /> is directed to draw on the Letter of Credit.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schietty, Irsfeld, Vail
<br />