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16 <br /> MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> February 16, 1982 <br /> The meeting was called to order by Mayor LaValle at 7:03 PM. <br /> PRESENT: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> 3.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the minutes of <br /> February 1 , 1982, as submitted. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 4.0 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, seconded by Vail, to approve the General Claims <br /> for February 16, 1982, as submitted. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, SChletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to approve the Utility Claims for <br /> February 16, 1982, as submitted. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> 6.1 Resolution 1982-1 <br /> The Clerk presented RESOLUTION 1982-1 , A RESOLUTION ADOPTING RECORDS RETENTION <br /> SCHEDULE. The Council approved of the body of .the proposal, but not the preface. <br /> There was discussion as to how the proposal would be best suited for the City of <br /> Hugo. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, to adopt RESOLUTION 1982-1 , A RESO- <br /> LUTION ADOPTING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE. <br /> Irsfeld withdrew his motion. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, to adopt RESOLUTION 1982-1 , subject <br /> to the following: <br /> 1 . The first paragraph entitled RECORDS RETENTIONS SCHEDULE ADOPTED, in- <br /> cluding Items 1 , 2, and 3, be deleted in its entirety. <br /> 2. The second WHEREAS to become paragraph #1 . <br /> 3. The first WHEREAS to become paragraph #2. <br /> 4. The third WHEREAS, and the remainder of the Resolution, to remain as is. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld,Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br />