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May 3, 1982 42 <br /> 5.8 David Schuman- Vacation of Easement (Public Hearing 8:00 PM) <br /> The public hearing was called to order at 8:00 PM. Barry Stack, land surveyor, <br /> represented Mr. Schuman at the hearing. Robert Waller, 14310 Homestead Avenue, <br /> was present, and stated that he had no objection to vacation of the easement. <br /> The public hearing was adjourned until the meeting of May 17, 1982, at 7:30 PM, <br /> when the City Engineer would be present. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, McAllister seconded, that the public hearing be ad- <br /> journed <br /> d- <br /> journed until the meeting of May 17, 1982,. at 7:30 PM. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> The regular meeting was called back to order at 8:10 PM. <br /> Mr. Glen Crain, 4652 North Frenchman Road, was present to complain about a plugged <br /> culvert resulting in poor drainage to/from his property. Mr. Crain volunteered to <br /> take care of the cleaning of the ditch. Mr. Schletty is to contact Crain regarding <br /> this matter. <br /> ZIMCO WOOD - Special Use Permit <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Irsfeld seconded, a motion amending the previous <br /> Zimco motion that revocation of the Special Use Permit shall not occur <br /> until such time as Zimco Wood reopens its operation, and then only if a <br /> Letter of Credit, in the amount of $500.00, is not received by the city <br /> prior to reopening. The reason for the amendment is the owner has sup- <br /> plied the city with a bond, in the amount of $500, and the city considers <br /> that acceptable and shall be kept current. <br /> McAllister and Irsfeld withdrew their motion. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, Vail;seconded, to rescind the motion of 5.2, revoking <br /> the Special Use Permit for Zimco Wood. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Irsfeld, VAil <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, McAllister seconded, to amend the Special Use Permit <br /> for Z imc o Wood, retaining the six (6) items as listed on the Special Use <br /> Permit dated September 21 , 1981 , and the addition of Item 7: <br /> 7. The city shall accept the bond from Thomas S. Zimmerman, in the amount <br /> of $500.00, as an intermediate security to guarantee suppression of <br /> dust, but at such time as business begins operation, Mr. Zimmerman <br /> will furnish the city with a Letter of Credit, in the amount of <br /> $500.00, in place of the bond. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister,Irsfeld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.0 REPORTS OF OFFICERS & COMMITTEES <br /> 6.1 Ordinance Committee - Will be meeting on May 5, 1982. <br />