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711V®,•... a.r.r�w.r. e+.w..,...,.rw �...w.�,a...o.w..«w:.,... <br /> • a • ,p <br /> Carlson recommended that the fund balance be kept at the 1980 <br /> level or be increased. <br /> "These are the reserves needed for cash flow purposes and so <br /> necessary at these times of cut backs from state and federal <br /> revenue sources. " <br /> "Two other categories that point to Hugo' s careful financial <br /> planning are seen in the per capita debt burden .and in the water <br /> utility. " <br /> "The per capita debt burden has decreased steadily since 1976. <br /> However, the $228.38 level of 1980 is much smaller than the <br /> $642. 87 average found in cities of similar size. " <br /> "And the small profit seen in the water utility indicates that <br /> rates are being adjusted when necessary, " Carlson concluded. <br /> Carlson, in explaining the Minnesota Financial Health Program, <br /> said, "This is a service our office performs for municipalities <br /> that identifies, measures and helps to resolve fiscal problems. <br /> When public officials can monitor debt service payments, enterprise <br /> funds, revenues and expenditures and other financial indicators <br /> over a period of years, they will be able to identify areas of <br /> fiscal stress. " <br /> "It is important to look at the trends over the period from <br /> 1976 to 1980 for which the data was collected and not to look at <br /> the individual years. There are variables such as special assessments <br /> or grants that show large increases in one year, and the decrease the <br /> following year should not be a cause for alarm. We look at the whole <br /> five year period and the patterns of revenues and expenditures for <br /> those years. The profile proves a framework for assembling and <br /> analyzing information. Although some conclusions have been drawn <br /> from the study, the actual reasons can only be answered by those <br /> who manage the financial affairs of the city. " <br /> Carlson said that very few comparisons among cities will be <br /> made at this time as there is no uniform method of reporting <br /> financial data. Municipal Finance Officers felt that in order <br /> for the Minnesota Financial Health Program to be a successful and <br /> helpful project a uniform chart of accounts and reporting needed <br /> to be developed. Therefore, the Office designed a new and <br /> comprehensive chart which was distributed to Finance Officers in <br /> December. This effort will enable future profiles to contain <br /> more comparative information. <br /> • <br /> Carlson reported that Minnesota is the first state in the <br /> nation to provide the data such as that presented to cities <br /> through the Minnesota Financial Health Program, and that cities <br /> can use this report as a basis for future fiscal planning. "Our <br /> Office stands ready to provide assistance, when requested, to <br /> cities as they seek alternative courses of action to improve <br /> their overall financial health, " said Carlson. <br /> -30- <br />