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MINUTES FOR THE EDA MEETING OF March 20, 2006 <br />EDA President Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. <br />PRESENT: Jan Arcand, Mike Granger, Fran Miron, Jim Bever, Phil Klein, and Tom <br />Denaway <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, CD Intern Rachel Simone <br />ABSENT: Nick Skarich <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Arcand made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the minutes for the EDA meeting of February <br />21, 2006 as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INTERN RACHEL <br />SIMONE <br />Bryan introduced the new CD Intern Rachel Simone to the EDA commissioners. <br />TERRY AND ANGELA HANCOCK - 5583 147TH STREET N <br />Bryan Bear and Community Development Intern Rachel Simone meet with Terry and Angela <br />Hancock on March 8, 2006, to discuss the city possibly buying their property for the proposed <br />library site for downtown redevelopment. Bryan gave an overview to the EDA of property <br />location and information of proposed library site. Terry Hancock attended the EDA meeting. <br />The owners are ready to sell the property and are in the process of moving to the location were <br />Terry works. They came to the city first to buy the property because they are aware of the <br />redevelopment plans of the city. The house as they say inside is in good shape, and is planned <br />to be inspected, so is it possible that it could be rented out by the city until the proposed plans <br />for the library take shape. City staff asked for recommendation from the EDA about whether <br />the city should buy the property and insight on if staff should look at the whole area as a <br />development opportunity and talk to the other property owners in the area. The EDA discussed <br />the matter and decided to have City Staff evaluate the issue and take it to the next level. There <br />was a motion by Mike Granger, and seconded by Phil Klein to recommend that City Staff <br />evaluate financing, property acquisition priorities, and to contact property owners across from <br />City Hall for about acquisition of their properties. The motion was also to report to the City <br />Council and EDA with findings. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />RICK BURR - GUSSET DESIGN INC <br />Rick Burr has sent the City a letter stating that he would like to expand his existing <br />business, Gusset Design Inc. at 15587 Forest Blvd. The property is zoned Commercial <br />but the building use is Industrial. The structure was built before the zoning change to <br />Commercial District so it is allowed to stay. According to the City Municipal Code, it <br />