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There was a motion by Fran Miron, seconded by Mike Granger to recommend to staff to see <br />how the other property owners feel about selling and to set up a subcommittee meeting. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED LEGISLATION RELATING TO EMINENT DOMAIN <br />Mike Ericson gave a review of the possible new legislation that could affect the City. <br />There has been recent proposed legislation that will restrict the use of eminent domain by <br />cities. The legislation will ban the use of eminent domain for economic development, and <br />prohibits the use of this tool for redevelopment. The bill does this by making unattainable <br />standards for determining "blighted area" and "environmentally contaminated area" <br />reducing the ability to assemble parcels for redevelopment. The League of MN Cities <br />would like the City to create a resolution on the issue and has sent the City a draft that <br />they would like the City to approve. During the City Council meeting on Monday, March <br />6, 2006 the Council discussed the proposed legislation relating to eminent domain. The <br />Council in their discussion directed the EDA to provide feedback to the Council about the <br />proposed legislation and the drafted resolution. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY 2006 CDBG ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Bryan gave an overview on the 2006 Washington County Annual Action Plan. <br />The Washington County Board approved the draft of the 2006 Annual Action Plan for <br />public comment. The public comment period is from February 21, 2006 to April 15, <br />2006. The Annual Action Plan includes information on Community Development Block <br />Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) programs. The plan also <br />describes the resources the county will use and activities to be undertaken in 2006 to <br />address the priority needs for the area. The County has sent the City a draft of the plan for <br />comment. The EDA should review the plan and determine whether the City should send <br />comments on the plan to the County. The EDA provided no comments on the plan. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Granger made motion, Denaway seconded, to adjourn at 11:00 am. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />