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Every three to four years the County and the City adopts new regulations for the International <br />Building Code. There are new provisions for this year and one of them is chapter 1306, <br />which would require certain types of commercial and industrial buildings to have a sprinkler <br />system installed. Jadon 011ila from the Fire Department was present to give a presentation on <br />adopting the chapter 1306 International Building Code. The City Council considered this <br />issue at a workshop on November 20, 2007. The Council requested that the EDA review the <br />information and make a recommendation due to the potential economic impact on the City. <br />The EDA reviewed a memo from John Benson on chapter 1306. <br />Jadon 011ila gave a presentation explaining chapter 1306 of the building code. Chapter 1306 <br />is an optional portion of the building code that could be adopted by the City Council if they <br />feel it is necessary. The optional portion of the code would require buildings of certain uses <br />and size to have a sprinkler system in case of a fire. There are two forms of 1306 that can be <br />adopted. <br />#1: <br />This would include both any new buildings and additions to buildings. This also would be a <br />requirement if the use changed within the building. This would include the retrofitting of a <br />sprinkler system in an entire existing building when additions are proposed. <br />#2: <br />This would only include new buildings and additions to buildings. This also would be a <br />requirement if the use changed within the building. <br />Klein made a motion, seconded by Denaway, to recommend to the City Council option #2 of <br />Chapter 1306 of the Building Code. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Granger made motion, Arcand seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 am <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />