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Denaway stated that the EDA should add "evaluate lighting and landscaping in <br />downtown" to the list of goals for 2011. <br />Granger made a motion, seconded by Denaway, to accept the 2011 EDA goals with the <br />amendment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON BR&E MARKETING ACTION PLAN <br />Staff has been meeting with Phil Klein and Tom Weidt on putting together a basic <br />marketing action plan for the multimedia campaign. Staff included the marketing action <br />plan in the packet and recommended that the EDA provide feedback on the plan and <br />suggest any other items that should be included. <br />Rachel Juba gave background and an update on the marketing action plan. Staff <br />completed an outline of the items for the multimedia campaign. This includes target <br />market information and what the City wants the target market to know. <br />Granger and Bever stated that at the right time the EDA will need to look at funding <br />options for the action plan. Granger stated that getting the information to the target <br />market and how it is presented to them is important. <br />Granger wanted to add traffic counts and land prices to items the City wants the target <br />market to know. He also stated that placing ads for the City will need to thought about <br />and where they are published. <br />UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT <br />Hugo Liquor in downtown has closed. The previous owner has pulled the liquor license <br />for the business to reopen the store. Staff is not aware when it will reopen. <br />The daycare building on Highway 61 will change to a physical therapy office. Currently <br />they are working on renovation of the interior of the building for the business. The owner <br />of the building will be leasing to the physical therapy office. The large pylon sign has <br />been removed from the property and will be replaced with a monument sign. <br />Staff continues to have discussions with Pete Sampair on redevelopment of his property <br />in downtown. He is planning on a mixed use development for the property. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Arcand made a motion, seconded by Denaway, to adjourn at 10:30 am. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />