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DISCUSSION ON FLEXIBLE OFFICE SPACE <br />Flexible office space is furnished office areas for separate businesses to share. One <br />example is the businesses share a tenant space, but have separate areas to work (cubes). <br />This often includes shared storage space for files and/or a common receptionist for all the <br />businesses. Commissioner Graff started the discussion with the EDA on the idea of <br />flexible office space in Hugo. <br />He stated that this idea may help property owners with vacant space to collect rent and <br />fill the space. There are several home based businesses in Hugo that may want an office <br />outside of their home and a place to have meetings with clients. He stated that he thinks <br />that the vacant space in the Healtheast building is a good place for this concept and would <br />like to have a discussion with the property owner. He also stated there are other vacant <br />buildings and other property owners he would like to meet with. <br />Miron stated that he thought this was a good idea and anything we can do to help <br />property owners fill vacant space is positive. <br />Puleo made a motion, seconded by Bever, to have staff contact property owners to have a <br />discussion on flexible office space and to include Commissioner Graff. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron asked staff to bring information on abatement to the EDA for its May meeting. <br />UPDATE THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN — PETE <br />SAMPAIR <br />At its March 24, 2011, meeting the Planning Commission reviewed the downtown <br />redevelopment concept plan presented by Pete Sampair. The Planning Commission <br />generally agreed with the EDA on its comments and feedback to Mr. Sampair. The <br />Planning Commission stated that they liked the option with the main street atmosphere. <br />They provided feedback on the type of housing and encouraged four sided architecture. <br />Community Development Director, Bryan Bear, stated that now Mr. Sampair has <br />received feedback on the plans he can start the detailed development plans. Mr. Sampair <br />does not own all of the properties shown on the plan and will now meet with the other <br />property owners on acquiring properties. <br />UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT <br />Community Development Director, Bryan Bear, updated the EDA on the progress of <br />downtown redevelopment. <br />The bank that owns Ricci's restaurant building has stated that there is an interested buyer <br />and they expect a purchase agreement soon. <br />Hugo 1 Stop has reopened with a new operator/manager. <br />