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Miron agreed. He is not convinced that housing is the best for this location. He stated that <br />he would like to be patient and wait for the market to come back for commercial or a <br />restaurant user for the City owned property. He stated that he is encouraged by the <br />development team, their marketing efforts, and the contacts that they have made along <br />the way. <br />Miron made a motion, seconded by Puleo, to recommends a one year extension on the <br />purchase agreement for the City owned property. <br />All ayes. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON WASHINGTON COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />EFFORTS <br />Staff has attended and there have been discussions during Greater MSP meetings <br />regarding what Washington County's role should be for economic development. Molly <br />O'Rourke, County Administrator, has also been at the meeting and stated that she was <br />going to be more active in educating the board members on the importance of economic <br />development. At the next Greater MSP meeting at the County they will be discussing the <br />County's role in economic development. <br />Klein asked if the County was working on providing fiber optics to all property in <br />Washington County. <br />The EDA discussed ways the County could become involved in economic development. <br />• Market Washington County as a place to locate a business <br />• Business attraction <br />• Review tax abatement policy as it relates to businesses locating in Washington <br />County <br />• Create other economic incentives <br />UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT <br />The bank that owns the Ricci's property is getting ready to list the property <br />Xcel Energy Inc. has applied for site plan approval for Phase 2 of its gas and electric <br />training center. This includes a second building. <br />Glamos Wire has been talking to staff about an expansion on its existing building. <br />MnDOT will be completing a mill/overlay reconstruction project this summer. An open <br />house is scheduled on Monday, May 21St at City Hall. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Denaway made a motion, seconded by Klein, to adjourn at 10:45 am. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />