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RECAP OF MICRA MANUFACTURING SITE VISIT <br />The EDA made a site visit to Micra Manufacturing and toured the facility guided by the <br />president of the company Craig Benson. Micra Manufacturing specializes in machining, <br />fabrication, sawing, welding, abrasive blasting, and painting of metals. Mr. Benson provided <br />background on the business and showed the EDA the pieces of equipment that are used to make <br />the products they manufacture. <br />Staff asked the EDA if they would like to continue visiting businesses and how often. <br />The EDA agreed that they would like to continue to conduct business visits. They agreed to try <br />to do them bi-monthly. <br />REVIEW OF 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />One of the EDA's goals for 2014 includes a review of the economic development section of the <br />2030 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City in 2010 and the <br />EDA has accomplished several items since then. Staff provided an overview of the section and <br />what items the EDA has completed. <br />Staff presented on how the City has implemented the items that were identified in the economic <br />development section of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. These items include, identify a target <br />market, marketing, financial incentives, infrastructure needs, downtown redevelopment, <br />gateways, promoting quality among businesses, and retention of businesses. It was in staff's <br />opinion that the EDA done a good job accomplishing the implementation items. Staff also <br />reviewed the EDA's goals for 2014. <br />Commissioner Klein stated that the EDA should look into a business incubator for starter <br />companies. <br />Commissioner Denaway agreed that the EDA has done a good job with the things they can <br />control. He stated that at some point the City may want to look into a new location for an <br />industrial park. He also stated that staff may want to look into any successes from GreaterMSP, <br />but we was not aware of much. <br />Commissioner Klein asked if staff has been in contact with the utility companies about locations <br />for a data center. Staff stated they have made contact with them and have information to provide <br />to anyone that may be interested in locating a data center. <br />President Weidt stated that on our land use plan we have areas that are guided for industrial. It <br />may be sooner rather than that there may be a need for more land for industrial. At that time it <br />would be good to evaluate the feasibility a new industrial park. <br />City Administrator, Bryan Bear, stated that staff was recently contacted by the realtor of the <br />Thommes and Thomas property along 165th Street about purchasing the property. At the time, <br />the realtor did not state a purchase price. If the EDA is interested staff can get more information <br />