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Planner Juba stated that the meeting with the St. Paul Port Authority was very helpful and gave <br />City Staff many ideas on how to market the property. Adding in new meetings, like attending <br />MNCAR, EDAM, and other events will be something new, but City Staff are willing to put time <br />and attention into marketing and selling the property. <br />The EDA came to the consensus that the city -owned property should be marketed and sold first <br />through the efforts of City Staff and to re-evaluate if the St. Paul Port Authority should step in <br />later. <br />Commissioner Klein asked the EDA how they felt about the development criteria. <br />Commissioner Denaway thought the criteria should be a little more inclusive of other options. <br />He believed a good addition to the restaurant or entertainment piece would be a "destination <br />anchor." He believed that it would be up to the developer coming with a proposal to explain <br />why this project could be considered a destination. Some inclusions in this framing would be <br />projects like a tap room, movie theater, or other destination projects. <br />Commissioner Klein asked the EDA their thoughts on the flyer. <br />The EDA all liked the flyer and agreed that it would give enough information for developers to <br />make a phone call to the City to get more information on the property. <br />Commissioner Denaway stated that he would like to see some expansion on what has already <br />been approved or done to this property. This included approved variances, wetland delineations, <br />and other environmental assessments to make the property more enticing for developers. <br />Commissioner Klein asked the EDA how they felt about marketing the property for $1.00. <br />The EDA agreed that marketing the city -owned property for $1.00 would get the word out about <br />this piece of land and lead to some new ideas and projects for downtown Hugo. <br />Klein made motion, Petty seconded, to recommend moving forward with the development <br />criteria and begin marketing this property along with its paired development criteria. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />UPDATE ON THE FUTURE OF THE RAIL LINE <br />City Administrator, Bryan Bear, started with a recap of the February 10, 2015 meeting. He <br />reminded the EDA that they wanted to have the City be involved in the rail line topic by facilitating <br />meetings and by talking with the businesses and railroad in an effort to help develop a strategy. <br />The EDA agreed that the City needed to be involved and financially supportive of the businesses <br />in keeping rail service. <br />City Administrator Bear said that there has been a lot of work done with the rail line issue, <br />including work with the businesses, railroad, the legislature, and other government programs. He <br />