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Vater Conservation (continued from Page 1) <br />The bottom line... Landscapes use <br />lots of water! So, what are some ways <br />we as individuals and as a community <br />can do to lessen our water impacts and <br />become more sustainable? A good <br />place to start is with your landscape <br />irrigation needs. Here are a few quick <br />tips: <br />• Apply 2-4 inches of organic mulch <br />around plants to reduce evapora- <br />tion — save hundreds of gallons a <br />year! <br />• Adjust your lawn mower to a <br />height of 1.5 to 2 inches. The taller <br />grass shades roots and holds soil <br />moisture better than short grass. <br />• Minimize evaporation by watering <br />only during the early morning <br />hours when temperatures are cooler <br />and winds are lighter. <br />• When installing and establishing <br />new plants, water your plants deep- <br />ly, but less frequently to encourage <br />deep root growth and drought tol- <br />erance. <br />• When giving your pet fresh water, <br />do not dump the old water. Instead <br />pour it into a hanging basket or <br />flower pot. <br />• Those leftover ice cubes from your <br />drink? Don't throw them out, pour <br />them on a plant. <br />Other options include capturing rain- <br />water to be either directed or stored for <br />irrigation uses. A good example of <br />water storage right here in Hugo is at <br />Hanifl Park where you will find a rain <br />barrel that is connected to the build- <br />ings downspout. Rainwater col- <br />lected in this barrel is used for <br />irrigation of the surrounding <br />landscape. Another local exam- <br />ple is at City Hall with the exten- <br />sive raingarden plantings which <br />capture all of the water flowing <br />from parking lot and roof. Instil- <br />lation of these raingardens came <br />in as a result of a need to improve <br />the capacity of stormwater pipes <br />behind City Hall. Instead of the <br />costly project of replacing storm - <br />water pipes, the city was able to <br />instead install these raingardens <br />which allow for the infiltration of <br />the water eliminating the need to send <br />it into the stormwater infrastructure. <br />Plus raingardens are great attractors for <br />birds and butterflies! <br />Additional LGA, But None for Hugo <br />Despite the addition of $80 million to <br />the Local Government Aid ante, the <br />City of Hugo will not receive any <br />LGA in 2014. The city continues to be <br />frozen out of the formula that will dis- <br />tribute over $507 million to local gov- <br />ernments next year. The last year the <br />city received any LGA was in <br />2002. Cities that receive LGA are re- <br />quired to use it for property tax re- <br />lief. "The residents of our community <br />pay into the state coffers but our com- <br />munity receives nothing back," notes <br />Hugo Mayor Tom Weidt. "The City <br />Council will continue to keep our tax <br />rate low without this aid", he add- <br />ed. At their September 3rd meeting <br />the City Council will consider adopt- <br />ing a preliminary tax levy that will re- <br />duce the urban tax rate by 0.23%. The <br />Finance Department will assemble the <br />2014 budget document based on this <br />decreased tax rate. <br />The public is invited to speak at the <br />December 2 regular City Council <br />meeting, held at 7: 00 pm at City Hall, <br />before the final budget and tax levy <br />are adopted. <br />C <br />Hugo Fire <br />Department's <br />Toy Drive <br />will be 11:OOam <br />to 3:OOpm on <br />December 7. <br />Help the kids in <br />our community <br />have happy <br />holidays! <br />