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Parks Commission Meeting 12-12-01 <br />Minutes <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Meeting <br />November 14, 2001 <br />6:30 p.m. <br />Firstar Bank Building <br />Meeting Chair: Robyn LaCasse <br />Minutes By: Laurie McRostie <br />Present: Robyn LaCasse, Pete Pedersen, Bunny Peterson, David Strub, Tom Weidt, Chuck Haas, <br />Bronwen Kleissler, John Rask, Laurie McRostie <br />Absent: Nancy Chelmo, Tom Cheesebrow, <br />Copies To: Commission Membrs, Michele Lindau- Community Development Assistant, John Rask - <br />Community Development Director, Mike Ericson - City Administrator <br />Everton Avenue Development Plan <br />A. Most members of the Commission had attended the joint Council and Planning Commission meeting. <br />They were all very pleased that the neighborhood is pleased with the plan and accepts a lot of the good <br />ideas. <br />B. The Commission preferred the trail concept that shows the trail off road and to the side of the <br />greenway. They do not like the trail in the middle of the parkway median. <br />C. The Commission is excited about the prospect of athletic fields at the possible school complex and <br />looks forward to hearing more as these ideas develop. <br />D. As an aside to the meeting Senator Jane Krentz told us about the Wilder Foundation and the work they <br />do to help design facilities that are accessible and serve special populations. The Commission will <br />contact the foundation and ask them for assistance in making Hugo's facilities more accessible. <br />II. Grants <br />A. The Commission is exploring grant possibilities for 2002. <br />B. Two possibilities were discussed. The old school house still needs to be renovated and this maybe is a <br />candidate for a grant that would support this facility as a trailhead along the Hardwood Creek Trail. A <br />grant from DNR Metro Greenways will be explored. There is a possibility that parts of the Clearwater <br />Creek Greenway could be expanded south of the Victor Gardens Development. <br />C. It will not be possible to apply for any federal grants for the trails or amenities associated with the <br />CSAH 8 project. This project is already obtaining federal funds. <br />III. Meeting Process and Attendance <br />A. The Commission will start a more formal meeting process. Minutes will be approved and <br />parliamentary procedure will be introduced. The meetings will still be casual but as issues become <br />more controversial and more development proposals require review it will be necessary for the <br />Commission to vote on recommendations to the City Council <br />B. John Rask will provide rules about voting and procedure to the Commission. <br />C. Attendance at the Commission meetings has become an issue. At this time the ordinance states that the <br /> 9/19/2007 <br />