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Parks Commission Meeting 12-12-01 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Council can remove a member is they do not attend regularly. This may not be adequate for the future and <br />John Rask will draft some by-laws for operational rules and present them to the Commission. <br />IV. Open Position <br />A. Nancy Chelmo has resigned from the Commission and everyone thanked her for her effort. <br />B. Nancy's position would have expired in March and the City Council will determine what to do about <br />the open term until March and discuss this issue at the next meeting. They will probably recommend <br />advertising for the position in the next issue of the Hugonian. <br />V. Open Gym <br />A. The school gym at Hugo Elementary School has become a success. At least 28 kids were in the gym a <br />couple of weekends ago <br />VI. Park Budget <br />A. The park budget was reviewed and some inaccuracies were discovered. <br />B. The budget print out will be reviewed and a revised accounting sheet will be presented to the <br />Commission. <br />VII. Land Search <br />A. The Park Commission is still looking for parkland to purchase. <br />B. The City will advertise in the White Bear Lake Paper and the Hugo Newsletter, letting the community <br />know that the City is interested in purchasing large parcels for parkland. Any interested parties should <br />contact City staff if they would be interested in selling parkland to the City at a reasonable price. <br />VIII. Beaver Ponds <br />A. The orange plastic fence around the soccer field is falling down. The wood snow fence has stayed in <br />place. <br />B. The Commission asked that new posts be installed and that the fence be reinforced. After speaking with <br />Chris Petree it became apparent that more fence posts would cost about $100 to purchase and more <br />labor costs to install. There is no guarantee that the fence would stay in place so it was decided that the <br />orange fence would be taken down and that no additional money would be spent. This soccer field will <br />need to be reseeded no matter what next spring and it did not seem prudent to spend more park fund <br />dollars on protecting an area that will need to be repaired in any case. <br />IX. Comprehensive Plan Review <br />A. The Commission reviewed material that John Rask presented describing park types. <br />B. The Commission is exploring the idea of adding more park types to the existing categories. The mini <br />park is one under discussion. Mini parks would not be a substitute for neighborhood parks but they may <br />serve a special need. The City is still not interested in supporting a lot of mini parks in the system <br />C. Park service areas were also explored. John presented a map that showed '/2 mile service areas within <br />the MUSA. These service areas overlapped the Neighborhood Park Districts that have been identified <br />in the Comprehensive Plan. Comments on each district were made. <br />1. NP -1 This neighborhood already contains Lions Park and with the new service areas at least one <br />additional neighborhood park will be required. These park locations were explored in the Everton <br />Avenue Study and are reflected in the development proposals that are being presented to the City. <br />2. NP -2 This neighborhood needs a park in a central location. It may be possible to use part of the <br />Preserve for a neighborhood park. <br />3. NP -3 This neighborhood is mostly developed and it may be possible to serve the neighborhood in <br />the future with a park that could include Oak Shore Park. <br />4. NP -4 This neighborhood needs a park. The Bernin property may start to serve this need. <br />Development to the west of Bernin's may also provide opportunity for a neighborhood park in this <br />district. <br />5. NP -5 There is no park in this district and at least half of the district is outside the MUSA. The need <br />for a neighborhood park and a location will be dependent on future development. <br />6. NP -6 No neighborhood park is needed in this district. <br />7. NP -7 This neighborhood needs additional parkland and it is proposed that Beaver Ponds will be <br />expanded at the time development occurs south of the park. <br /> 9/19/2007 <br />