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Parks Commission Meeting 6-12-02 Page 2 of 3 <br />4. The tow trashcans are ready to be installed at the park. <br />5. The picnic table needs to be permanently anchored to the pavement and the <br />accessible side should be over the pavement. <br />6. A tot swing is twisted and needs to be adjusted. <br />III. Other Park Maintenance <br />A. The wood fiber chips need to be ordered and installed at Lions Park <br />B. There is a broken trashcan at Lions Park that needs to be repaired. <br />IV. Old Hugo School House <br />A. Pete Pedersen looked at the roof on the school. The main problem with the roof is <br />that the flashing around the chimney is rusted. The roof decking boards are good and <br />it appears that only the shingles need to be replaced. <br />B. Pete will get an estimate to complete the roofing on the school. At the very least he <br />and Chris Petree or staff will tar the flashing area around the chimney to stop the leak. <br />C. Some fascia boards on the school will need to be replaced and many of the windows <br />have rotten sills and related problems and will need to be rebuilt or replaced. <br />D. The historic status of the school is still not known. The Hugo Historical Society is <br />having their first meeting this week and they are looking into how to proceed with the <br />school and historical status. <br />E. Another site visit is scheduled for Wednesday June 19, at 5:30 p.m. for all commission <br />members who have still not seen the school. Meet at the school. <br />V. Comprehensive Plan <br />A. The plan revisions are moving forward slowly. We should have updates in the next <br />couple of months. <br />B. The maps that are being prepared by the City are still in process <br />VI. McCollar Property <br />A. The development project was presented to the Commission. <br />B. A centralized neighborhood park of about 1 acre is size is proposed. The developer <br />would like this to be a public park. It would be accessible by trail and the surrounding <br />neighborhoods would be able to use this park. <br />C. A trail connection to the 80 -acre Preserve is proposed in two locations. In the first <br />phase trail access would be available from the cul-de-sac that is adjacent to the south <br />property line. In a later phase a trail connection on the west side would be constructed <br />near a small wetland that is adjacent to the park. Trail connections to the west and <br />south are also proposed and could be constructed in the first phase. <br />D. The parkland dedication for this project will be dependent on the final plans and on the <br />potential status of the neighborhood park being study at Oak Shore Park. <br />VII. Updates <br />A. A meeting was held with Oak Shore Park representatives and the Mayor Fran Miron, <br />Council Member Chuck Haas, City Administrator Mike Ericson, and Community <br />Development Director John Rask. No specific proposals were discussed. The City <br />impressed on the Oak Shore Park representatives that they needed to develop a <br />proposal for the City including ideas for what they would like to see happen or not <br />happen in the park. They said they would get back to the City in a couple of weeks. <br />B. Developers for the property west of city hall, formerly known as the HHM property, <br />have presented a concept plan to city staff. The Commission will be able to review <br />this plan later in the process. The comment was made that no neighborhood park <br />needs were identified for this location in the Everton Avenue Study, however trail <br />connections to the main north/south greenway trail and connections to the east and <br /> Recreation/minutes/6122002.htm 9/19/2007 <br />