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Hugo, Minnesota Parks and Recreation Open Space Commission Minutes <br />October 10, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />bituminous trail. This would have to go before the Met Council, and also would need to buy <br />easements from Property owners as well. <br />A copy of the Draft Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan will go before the City Council at their <br />October 15th meeting. There will be an Open House in November, and City Planner Kendra <br />Lindahl is encouraging all Parks Commissioners to attend. <br />All comments or typos found in Draft Plan should go to Kendra Lindahl, Bryan Bear or Chris <br />Petree. <br />IV. Naming of 100 Acre Park Property <br />There were a total of 14 Names that were submitted to choose from. The Parks Commission <br />rated each name. The name with the highest rating was Clearwater Creek Preserve. Coming in <br />2nd place was Clearwater Creek Trails, and Td was Clearwater Creek Park. <br />Pedersen made motion, Schmidt (Russell) seconded that Clearwater Creek Preserve be chosen <br />as the name of the new park. All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />V. Tot Time Equipment <br />Commissioner Rachel Berger and Public Works Director Chris Petree had met previously to <br />discuss the Tot Time equipment at Oneka Elementary School. Public Works Director Chris <br />Petree and Parks Commissioner Rachel Berger recommended the purchase of the 5 -in -1 Jump <br />Combo from Sam's Club and other small miscellaneous equipment, not to exceed $4,000. <br />Clarke made motion, Schmidt (Noel) seconded, to purchase the 5 -in -1 Jump Combo and other <br />equipment, not to exceed $4,000. All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree encouraged others to bring their children to Tot Time. It is <br />open on Wednesdays: 4:00-6:45 p.m., Fridays: 4:00-8:00 p.m., and Sundays: 1:00-4:00 p.m. <br />VI. Discussion of Vice Chair Position <br />The Parks Commission had a brief discussion on the Vice Chair Position opening. Parks <br />Commissioner Rachel Berger had submitted interest via e-mail. There were no other letters of <br />interest from any other Commissioners. <br />Pedersen made motion, Schmidt (Russell) seconded to recommend Parks Commissioner Rachel <br />Berger be appointed as Vice Chair of the Parks Commission. All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />VII. Schedule Tour of North East Metro YMCA <br />The Parks Commission discussed having the December 12th Parks Commission Meeting at the <br />NE Metro YMCA, to take a look at the facility, and get ideas for the City. <br />Clarke made motion, Schmidt (Noel) seconded to have the December 12th meeting at the NE <br />Metro YMCA. All Aye. Motion carried. <br />