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Minutes <br />City of Hugo <br />Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting <br />April 09, 2008 <br />7:00 P.M. <br />Call to Order <br />Roger Clarke Called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. <br />Present: Roger Clarke, Rachel Berger, Dan Gabrielli, Melissa Parker, Pete Pedersen, Noel Schmidt, <br />Jim Taylor, Dave Strub <br />Absent: Russell Schmidt <br />Staff Present: Chris Petree - Public Works Director, Debi Close - Secretary <br />I. Approval of Minutes of March 12, 2008 <br />Strub made a motion, Parker seconded to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2008 Parks <br />Commission meeting. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />II. Frenchman Place Development <br />Staff report dated April 2, 2008 prepared by Kendra Lindahl, Landform, recommended that <br />Developer Mr. Len Pratt is to add sidewalks to both sides of Rosemary Way and a trail on <br />Everton Ave. Also, that developer shall pay $22,320 in Park Dedication Fees. After discussion <br />and review of letter from the Mr. Len Pratt, The following motion was made. <br />Pedersen made a motion, Taylor seconded to recommend that the Parks Commission require <br />sidewalk's on both sides of Rosemary Way and a trail on Everton Ave, as well as accept park <br />dedication fees totaling $22,320. <br />All Aye. Motion Carried. <br />III. Update on Oneka Lake Park/Bernin Property <br />Bruce Bernin updated the commission on wildlife and new growth in the unmaintained areas of <br />the property. Deer have been eating some of the 300 Oak saplings that the boy scouts planted <br />last fall. He put up post and fencing to protect the remaining trees. He also attended a <br />conference on Nature, Children and Family's. This conference discussed the importance of <br />learning by knowing nature. With this information he has extended an invitation for the school <br />to use the property for educational field trips. All Commission members strongly agreed this <br />