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Minutes <br />Parks Commission, City of Hugo <br />June 9, 2010 <br />7:00 P.M. <br />Council Chambers, City Hall <br />Call to Order <br />Jim Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. <br />Present: Rachel Berger, Kris Birch, Roger Clarke, Derek Larsen, Mat Rauschendorfer, Dave <br />Strub, Jim Taylor, Noel Schmidt, Tom Windisch <br />Staff Present: Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner <br />Debi Close, Parks Secretary <br />I. Approval of Minutes of May 12, 2010 <br />Berger made a motion, Larsen seconded to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2010 Parks <br />Commission meeting. <br />All Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />II. Discussion on MN Off -Road Cyclists <br />Steve Hanke, Hugo resident presented information about MORC (MN Off -Road Cyclists) and <br />discussed trail options to consider for the Hansen property. Existing trail systems are in Inver <br />Grove Heights (multi -use) and Elk River (bike only). No other off road trail system exists close <br />to our community. Commission discussed options of multi -use trails, horse trails and biking only <br />trails. All Parks Commission members agreed that a Sub -Committee needs to be formed to <br />discuss these options further and research the trail systems of other cities for this type of use. <br />Keeping in mind that this property will be utilized with ball fields and any use at this time will be <br />an interim pending additional development. Clarke and Windisch volunteered to be on the Sub - <br />Committee. <br />Shayla Syverson, Parks Planner informed that Jyneen Thatcher of the Washington <br />Conservation District has offered to walk the Hansen property to do a site inventory on the <br />wetlands and plants for use in future concept development plans. Clarke asked to be included <br />on the walk-through and inventory meeting. <br />