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Board of Zoning Adjustments Meeting July 12, 207 - page 2 <br />to the applicant advising him the driveway and shed be brought into compliance by September <br />28, 2007. A follow-up inspection was conducted on October 1, 2007 and found the property not <br />in compliance. At its October 15, 2007 meeting, the City Council discussed this issue and <br />directed the City Attorney to send a final letter to Todd Christensen stating the need for him to <br />contact City staff within seven days and make arrangements for the handling of the issue. The <br />City Attorney advised Todd if contact was not made within seven days, that the City would <br />commence legal action to remove the portion of the driveway that was in violation of the <br />ordinance and assess the cost to his property. Todd contacted staff after receiving the letter and <br />stated that he is working out of state for a long period of time, but Mike Heska would represent <br />him by applying for a variance and being preset at the meetings. <br />Mike Heska, 1055 Lake Beach Drive, Shoreview, was at the meeting and informed the council he <br />was representing the applicant. Mike explained that Todd lived at the home and had two renters. <br />With trailers and boats, more people coming and going, and the inability to park on the street, the <br />driveway was needed as is. He said it was well constructed and did not have a retaining wall. He <br />said the applicant could remove the illegal section of the driveway when he moved and they <br />could remove the shed in the spring. He pointed out there were several other sheds and oversized <br />driveways in the neighborhood. He asked for a variance, even temporarily, and stated the <br />applicant worked out of state and was rarely home. Mike said he oversees the property and <br />makes sure the grass is cut. <br />Schumann opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and Schumann closed the <br />public hearing. <br />Puleo stated that the Board had tried to be very accommodating but Todd never attended any of <br />the meetings and did not react until the attorney sent a letter. He was given a year to more the <br />shed and still has not. <br />Heska said he would move the shed himself in the spring. <br />The Board questioned whether the applicant had given Heska authorization to negotiate for him. <br />Burmeister said he failed to see a hardship and had an issue with the driveway going all the way <br />to the property line and into the easement. <br />Puleo made motion, Burmeister seconded to recommend denial of the variance. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Adiournment <br />Puleo made motion, Burmeister seconded, to adjourn at 6:58 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />