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house with a full basement for shelter, in case of bad weather. The applicant stated that the <br />property has a high water table, which would not allow for a basement to be dug into the existing <br />grade. Fill would be required to be added to the property in order for a basement to be <br />constructed. This process would result in the home being above 25 feet in height on the back <br />(east side) of the home. The applicant is proposing to construct a reasonable sized house and <br />with existing homes set closer to the lake, no sight lines would be altered, therefore spirit and <br />intent would be kept and the character of the neighborhood unaltered. <br />Intern, Leitz, stated that it was in staff's opinion that the applicant meets all requirements <br />necessary to approve the shoreland variance requests. Staff recommended approval of the <br />shoreland setback variance to allow a building setback to be 125 feet from the Ordinary High <br />Water (OHW) mark of Horseshoe Lake, where 200 feet is required by ordinance. Staff also <br />recommended approval of the shoreland structure height variance to allow a maximum structure <br />height of 35 feet, where 25 feet is required by ordinance. <br />Chairperson Weidt asked about the building setback of the house located to the north of the <br />proposed property. Planner Juba described that many houses on Horseshoe Lake were <br />constructed before the shoreland ordinance was in place. Because of this, many of the houses <br />along Horseshoe Lake do not meet the setback requirement of 200 feet from the OHW mark. <br />Chairperson Weidt opened the public hearing. <br />Christopher Johnson went to the podium and expressed his gratitude towards the City in <br />considering the variance applications. He stated that his family has lived in Hugo for 13 years <br />and knew they wanted to stay in the area when looking for a buildable site for a new home. <br />Chairperson Weidt closed the public hearing. <br />Gwynn made a motion, Boland seconded, to recommend the approval to the City Council of the <br />shoreland variances to allow the building setback to be 125 feet from the Ordinary High Water <br />(OHW) mark of Horseshoe, where 200 feet is required by ordinance and the maximum structure <br />height to be 35 feet, where 25 feet is required by ordinance. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Adiournment <br />Gwynn made motion, Boland seconded, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Rachel Leitz <br />2 <br />