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Commissioner Rosenquist commented that he's glad that the City had the population estimates from 2030 <br />approved from the last Comprehensive Plan and has the sewer capacity for that growth because in his <br />experience, growth is very difficult to forecast. <br />Commissioner Arcand asked who regulated the movement of the City's MUSA line. <br />Juba stated that the City can plan the movement of the MUSA line. She stated that she's not sure the MUSA <br />line will change for the 2040 plan because it was pretty aggressive in the 2030 plan, but if the City believes it <br />should move, it can plan for it. <br />Commissioner Arcand asked about the affordable housing requirements. He stated that the City doesn't dictate <br />the economy or housing market and asked how the Met Council can associate those scores with the ability to <br />get funding. <br />Juba stated that further conversations need to be held with the Met Council on how to even track affordable <br />units within the City. <br />Leitz stated that the Met Council is looking for the City to plan for these projects, which would be planning <br />higher density areas if these projects are to come to the City of Hugo. <br />Commissioner Arcand asked if the Met Council is talking about new construction affordable units to calculate <br />this score. <br />Leitz stated that a majority of the points for these scores is based on new construction, but there is also points <br />for rehabilitation. <br />Commissioner Arcand asked if there were any points for constructed homes that are being sold at an affordable <br />price. <br />Leitz stated that she had mentioned that townhomes in the Waters Edge development sold for very affordable <br />prices during the recession and it wasn't made clear to her why the City wouldn't receive points for these units. <br />She stated that further conversations need to happen with the Met Council to establish how they review there <br />surveys. <br />Commissioner Rosenquist commented that it is very difficult to come up with new construction affordable units <br />without subsidizing the projects or providing some other incentives. <br />Update on Web Streaming of Planning Commission Meetings <br />Juba stated that starting next year, staff will be recording the Planning Commission meetings and web streaming <br />them live for the public. <br />Schedule 2016 Goal Setting and Potluck Workshop <br />Juba reminded the Planning Commission that goal setting occurs yearly to guide the direction of the <br />Commission in the next year. Staff is wanting the Planning Commission to set a date for this year's informal <br />goal setting workshop and potluck. <br />The Commission agreed that the goal setting workshop will be held on January 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. <br />*This was rescheduled to January 28th at 6:00 p.m. <br />