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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 4, 2016 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Companion Animal Control's revised contract to <br />provide animal control services to the City in 2016. <br />Approve Replacement of 2006 Elgin Crosswinds Sweeper <br />Included in the City's Equipment Purchasing Fund is $225,000 for the replacement of the City's <br />2006 Elgin Crosswinds Sweeper. Staff requested to purchase a 2016 Tymco 50OX Roadway <br />Sweeper through the Cooperative Purchasing Venture in order to receive the best price. Staff <br />had negotiated a purchase price and trade-in value for the 2006 Crosswinds Sweeper. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a 2016 Tymco 50OX Roadway Sweeper from <br />Environmental Equipment and Services, Inc. for $202,925.00 plus tax. <br />Approve Renewal of Tobacco License for Ebacco, LLC, 14849 Forest Blvd N <br />Steve and Linda Krueger had applied for renewal of their Tobacco License to sell tobacco related <br />products. Ebacco has held a license since November 2014, and their most recent license expired <br />on December 31, 2015. Krueger's had not requested renewal prior to the end of the year due to <br />uncertainty of their lease, which has since been renewed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the Tobacco License for Ebacco, LLC at 14849 Forest Blvd. N. effective January 5, <br />2016. <br />Approve Receipt of $36,000 Grant from Met Council for Water Rebate Program <br />Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz talked about the process the City went through <br />to organize a water rebate program for Hugo residents. The Met Council has offered a Water <br />Efficiency Grant program that would allow the City to offer rebates for water efficient toilets, <br />washing machines, and irrigation controller replacements. The City has been awarded $36,000 <br />to put toward the rebate program. Leitz stated that these funds cannot be used for new <br />construction, and she provided information on the different marketing that needed to be done. <br />The City of Hugo Water Rebate Program is planned to be implemented on January 24, 2016. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reminded Council they initially talked about using $1,000 from <br />the water fund for a rebates, and it is hoped there will be sustainability in this program. <br />Council thanked staff for their work. <br />Congressman Tom Emmer <br />Congressman Emmer was not on the agenda but in the audience. Mayor Weidt invited him to <br />speak. <br />Emmer talked about the budget bill passed recently, stating he didn't vote for it because there was <br />no strategy for dealing with the debt. He talked about the positive things included in the budget <br />bill such as increased support for military, savings in the food stamp program, putting the EPA <br />back to 2008 funding level, and over 1/2 trillion dollars in tax cuts for businesses. He spoke about <br />the bill the President signed with two affordable care act funding mechanism being suspended. <br />Major foreign policy issues on vetting will be coming up. The Congressman thanked the Council <br />for the opportunity to speak. <br />