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of <br />MEMO <br />14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North, Hugo, MN 55038 (651) 762-6300 <br />TO: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />FROM: Scott Anderson, Public Works Director <br />DATE: January 27, 2016 <br />SUBJECT: Authorize Advertising for Bids — 2016 Dust Control <br />Staff is requesting authorization from the City Council to advertise for bids for the City's 2016 <br />gravel road dust control project. <br />The City of Hugo currently applies dust control to approximately 23 miles of gravel roads <br />located within its municipal boundaries. The City's General Budget has accounted for a dust <br />control project in 2016. As with last year, the City of Grant has requested to combine contracts <br />with us for dust control in an effort to increase quantities and reduce overall costs. <br />As in past years, staff will also work with May Township to cost share for the application of dust <br />control on the shared portion of Keystone Ave. north of County Road 4. <br />Following City Council approval, staff will advertise and solicit bids through our City newspaper <br />and will hold a bid opening on March 30, 2016 at 1:15pm. This will be followed by the Council <br />considering bids in April. The dust control/stabilization would be applied in two separate <br />applications, once in mid-May and again in early to mid-August. <br />Thank you. <br />