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MINUTES FOR DOWNTOWN MARKET STUDY/DOWNTOWN PLAN & DESIGN <br />GUIDELINES JOINT WORKSHOP <br />THURSDAY, MAY 89 2014 <br />RICE LAKE CENTRE <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Weidt, Petryk, Klein, Haas, Bronk <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: None <br />PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Arcand, Kleissler, McRoberts, & Lessard <br />PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Gwynn, Rosenquist, & Knauss <br />EDA PRESENT: Arcand, Denaway, & Gallivan <br />EDA ABSENT: Puleo <br />CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Planner Rachel Juba, Community <br />Development Intern Connor Schaefer <br />Planner Rachel Juba provided background on the Downtown Market Study done by Maxfield <br />Research Inc. Joe Hollman, Senior Analyst of Maxfield Research Inc., presented on the analysis <br />of the Market Potential for Housing and Commercial Uses in Downtown Hugo. Findings <br />concluded that there is a potential market for limited multifamily housing, small business <br />retailers, restaurants, office users who service local households, and a limited -service hotel. <br />Maxfield Research Inc. identified five key development sites. Maxfield research recommended <br />aggressive marketing promotion. <br />Planner Rachel Juba presented on the City of Hugo Downtown Plan & Design Guidelines. The <br />discussion focused on the Plan & Design Guidelines and if they should continue to direct the <br />development of Downtown Hugo. The City Council, Planning Commission, and EDA concluded <br />that the City continue to be guided by the Downtown Plan & Design Guidelines. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Connor Schaefer <br />Community Development Intern <br />