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MINUTES FOR THE EMERGENCY PRESS CONFERENCE, CITY OF HUGO, TUESDAY, MAY 27, <br />2008 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Miron. <br />PRESENT: Council Members Petryk, Puleo and Haas, Mayor Miron, City Administrator Ericson, David <br />Snyder, Bryan Bear, members of the media, Sheriff Hutton, Washington County Disaster Coordinator, Deb <br />Page and other officials. <br />1.) Mayor Miron noted clean-up well underway <br />a. Debris is moving off-site very quickly <br />b. There is a committee organizing volunteer efforts <br />c. Volunteers should wear gloves, boots and hats <br />2.) Volunteers should meet at Washington County Service Center on Saturday, May 31, <br />2008, at 8:00 a.m. <br />3.) Meal will be provided <br />a. Food, clothing and water will be provided, bus service will be provided <br />4.) A Hugo relief fund will be established for the benefit of storm victims <br />5.) The area is served by 3 sirens. Mayor Miron noted that Washington County will address <br />the operation of the sirens <br />6.) Sheriff Hutton spoke to those assembled regarding the siren: <br />b. 16:37 and 14 seconds report received advising of a tornado warning <br />c. 16:40 — siren activated <br />d. Sounded 4 minutes and 11 seconds, then it timed out <br />e. Northern Washington County jurisdictions were notified <br />f. Established protocol was followed <br />7.) Mayor Miron returned to address those gathered regarding other management issues <br />8.) Gas will be now be turned on to all residences who can receive it <br />9.) Assessors are working on appraisal loss <br />10.) Deb spoke to those assembled - we are attempting to meet all residents' needs <br />11.) Dusk limitations are in place, no outside movement after dusk <br />12.) Volunteers on Saturday, May 31, 2008, will be in groups of 25 or less <br />13.) Mayor Miron provide a summary of house damage <br />a. 50 homes were retagged <br />