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RESOLUTION 1992-6 <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A WATER AVAILABILITY CHARGE AND <br />SETTING CONVERSION PARAMETERS CONSISTENT WITH A RESIDENTIAL <br />EQUIVALENCY CHARGE <br />WHEREAS, Pursuant to Ordinance 1987-242 of the Hugo <br />Municipal Code, all charges for permits and licenses allowed to <br />be granted by the Code shall be adopted by resolution of the <br />Council, which resolution bearing 'the effective date thereof, <br />shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, and as an <br />Appendix to the Code; such charges when so adopted shall be <br />uniformly enforced; and <br />WHEREAS, a listing of said charges, as adopted by the <br />Council, shall be in effect until amended and revised by <br />subsequent resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, said charges shall be effective on the date set <br />forth herein and as contained in this resolution: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, as follows: <br />1. That the following charges be established effective <br />March 2, 1992: <br />Residential Equivalency Charge (Sewer) $1,700.00 <br />Water Availability Charge 1,700.00 <br />2. That said charges shall be increased 6% annually <br />hereafter, commencing January 11 1993. <br />3. That said charges shall be determined within the scope <br />of the conversion parameters attached hereto and made a <br />part hereof and collected at the time a connection <br />application is filed with the City. <br />4. That said chargess if pledged to the repayment of <br />bonds, shall continue to be collected and deposited in <br />the appropriate sinking fund until such time as the <br />bonds are retired. <br />5. That said charges, if not pledged to the repayment of <br />bonds, shall continue to be collected and deposited in <br />the Water and Sewer Utility Fund, said accummulation to <br />be designated for Utility Capital Improvements only. <br />