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Mn/DOT 30721 (12-79) <br />RESOLUTION 92-13 <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN MUNICIPALITY AND <br />COUNTY FOR FEDERAL -AID HIGHWAY i1PROVEHENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT made by the City of Hugo Minnesota, <br />hereinafter called the "Municipality" with the County of Ramsey <br />hereinafter, called the "County", WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the United.States Government, through the Federal Highway <br />Administration of the U. S. Department of Transportation does apportion Fed - <br />oral funds* for the construction, reconstruction and improvement of highway <br />projects on approved systems of public roads, and <br />WHEREAS, said approved systems within the limits of a Municipality <br />are now or maybe eligible for the participation of these Federal funds in <br />their improvement or construction, and <br />WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration as a'condition to the <br />use of Federal funds on approved Federal -kid projects requires the agreement <br />of the Municipality to control road signs, traffic control devices, adver- <br />tisiug signs, miscellaneous installations, speed and parking. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE Municipality in consideration of the expendi- <br />ture and use of Federal funds for the construction, reconstruction or im- <br />provement of any Federal -Aid Street or Highway within the limits of the <br />Municipality agrees with the County as follows: <br />(1) No signs, traffic control devices or other protective de- <br />vices shall be erected on any Federal -Aid project within the Municipality <br />limits except as shall conform with the current Manual on Uniform Traffic <br />Control Devices for Streets and Highways of the State of Minnesota. <br />(2) All right-of-way within the limits of the Municipality on <br />any Federal -Aid project shall be held and maintained inviolate as a public <br />- 1 - <br />31 <br />