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1988.12.05 RESO 1988-0055
City Council
City Council Resolutions
1988 CC Resolutions
1988.12.05 RESO 1988-0055
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:03:36 PM
Creation date
1/14/2015 4:30:44 PM
City Council
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" <br />Is <br />RESOLUTION 88-55 <br />RESOLUTION CLARIFYING WORK EXEMPT FROM SECURING BUILDING PERMITS. <br />WHEREAS, The City of Hugo has adopted the Uniform Building Code 1985 <br />Edition requiring building permits for work performed in excess of $1"00 <br />in value, and <br />WHEREAS, there are certain exemptions from the securing of a building <br />permit and the payment of related fees, and <br />WHEREAS, the city council is desirous of clarifying these exemptions for <br />the general public, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGQ, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: <br />That the following be and hereby are exempted from the securing of a <br />building permit in the City of Hugo subject to providing a <br />fully -dimensioned site plan for new structures where appropriate: <br />work:Exempted <br />1. One story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, <br />playhouses, and similar uses, provided the projected roof area does <br />not exceed 120 sq. ft. and a dimensioned site plan is submitted to <br />assure proper setback requirements are met. <br />2. Fences not over 6'. <br />3. Oil derricks. <br />4. Movable cases, counters, and partitions not over 5^ high. <br />5. Retaining walls which are not over 4' in height measured from the <br />bottom of the footing to the top of the wall unless supporting a <br />surcharge or impounding flammable liquid. <br />6, Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not <br />exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does <br />not exceed 2 to 1. <br />7. Platforms, walk, and driveways not more than 30" above grade and not <br />over any basement or story below. <br />a. Building maintenance such as painting, wall papering, finish work, <br />window/door repair, siding repairy spot -shingle replacement, floor <br />finishing, carpet replacement, moulding replacement and other minor <br />repairs under $100 as determined by the code enforcement officer. <br />9. Temporary motion picture, television, and theatrical sets and scenery. <br />10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of group R, division 3, <br />and group M occupancies when projecting not more than 54"" <br />11. Fabricated swimming pools accessory to a group R, division 3 occupancy <br />in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and the <br />capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons. <br />12. Agricultural buildings located on ten acres or more primarily used for <br />agricultural purposes" That meaning a structure on agricultural land <br />constructed and used to house farm implements, livestock, or <br />agricultural produce or products used by the owners, lessee, and <br />sub -lessee of the building or members of their immediate families, <br />their employees and persons engaged in the pick-up or delivery of <br />agricultural produce, products, or non-residential real estate of ten <br />acres or less used principally for raising poultry, livestock, fruit, <br />vegetables, or other agricultural products. <br />
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