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RESOLUTION 88-56 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING LIQUOR AND RELATED LICENSES <br />FOR RICCI'S SALOON & EATERY <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Hugo, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, that the following liquor and related licenses are <br />hereby granted for the year 1989 subject to payment of taxes, compliance <br />with all city ordinances, and submitttal of required insurance and bonds: <br />Robert M. Ricci dba <br />RICCI'S SALOON & EATERY <br />14777 Forest Blvd. North <br />Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor <br />On Sale Intoxicating Liquor <br />On Sale Sunday <br />Cigarette <br />Games <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: Olson, Peltier, Potts, <br />Vail, Atkinson <br />Voting NAY: None <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 19th day of <br />December, 1988. 11111P <br />,wf, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary Creager, Civ lerk <br />~n <br />