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RESOLUTION 1987- 51 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING BONDS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON <br />COUNTY, MINNESOTA, That bonding for the city clerk/treasurer and city <br />asessor's positions be set at no less than $20,000.00 and the blanket bond <br />for other city employees be set at no less than $10,000.00. <br />Upon roll call the following members voted AYE: <br />Theodora Peltier, Arthur Potts, Robert Olson, Deane Vail <br />Upon roll call the following members voted NAY: 0O08 <br />ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF . OCTOBER _,1987. <br />1-1 <br />Z�Z'4� 4v--� <br />---------------------- <br />