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RESOLUTION 1987-52 <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />COUNTY, MINNESOTA, That, effective January 1, <br />fees for the City of Hugo code enforcement be <br />1. Residential one and two family dwellings: <br />A. Heating system - $15.00 <br />B. Air conditioning systems - $15.00 <br />C. Wood burning units - $15.00 <br />CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON <br />1988, the mechanical permit <br />established as follows: <br />2. Commercial, industrial, and multi -family: <br />A. Heating system - 1% of total equipment and installation cost <br />B. Air conditioning systems - 1% of total equipment and installation <br />cost <br />Upon roll call the following members voting AYE: Theodora Peltier, Arthur Potts, <br />Robert Olson, and Deane Vail <br />Upon roll call the following members voting NAY: 0O08 <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1987. <br />Mary r Creager, Ci to lerk <br />