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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING OF NNE 14, 2007 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson and Administrative Intern Nathan Ehalt <br />ABSENT: Chuck Haas and Mike Granger <br />OTHERS PRESENT: See attached <br />UPDATE ON CSAH 14/1-35E INTERCHANGE PROJECT AND CSAH 14 <br />Anoka County Deputy Engineer Lyndon Robjent provided an overview and update on both projects. <br />The county has just received approval from federal officials for the environmental documents and <br />are ready to proceed with final design for the interchange. A link to the project will be provided to <br />the City's website. Lyndon also provided a color newsletter on the project. The CSAH 14 project is <br />proceeding with construction and the use of shredded tires as base material for the portion of the <br />road around Lake Peltier. <br />UPDATE ON NORTHERN BY-PASS PLANNING (LAKE DRIVE/MAIN STREET TO I - <br />35E) <br />Anoka County Deputy Engineer Lyndon Robjent reported that the county had completed initial <br />review of the bypass route and applied for funding for an EIS. He said the road project is still 20-30 <br />years away. <br />UPDATE ON RUSH LINE CORRIDOR <br />Alicia Vap, Senior Transit Planner from Ramsey County, provided an update on activities and work <br />to date on the Rush Line Corridor. The Rush Line Task Force was formed in 1999 and now has 24 <br />members. Park & Ride parking areas have been constructed and van pools are being used to <br />improve transportation needs in the corridor. Alicia reported that a commuter bus study is underway <br />and a consultant is analyzing preliminary service scenarios south from Forest Lake and Hinckley to <br />St. Paul and Minneapolis. Lastly, an alternative analysis study is underway for a year-long analysis <br />of transportation. <br />2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROJECTS <br />Representatives from the Coalition's five cities and two counties reported on work they are doing on <br />their 2008 Comprehensive Plans. <br />LEGISLATIVE UPDATE <br />Senator Ray Vandeveer and Senator Sandy Rummel provided the Coalition with their perspectives <br />on the 2007 Minnesota State Legislative Session. <br />CITY AND COUNTY UPDATES <br />City, county, and Met Council representatives provided the Coalition with a schedule of activities <br />and other events taking place in their respective city, county, and area. <br />