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MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 20, 2007 WORKSHOP FOR THE 2008 COMPREHENSIVE <br />PLAN UPDATE <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSENT: Granger <br />PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Rosenyuist and Schumann, <br />ABSENT: Bailly, Kleissler, McRoberts, Moore, and Weidt <br />PARKS COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: None <br />ABSENT: Berger, Clarke, Gabrelli, Parker, Pedersen, and Schmidt <br />EDA COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Arcand, Bever, and Miron <br />ABSENT: Denaway, Granger, Klein, and Thistle <br />STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, Associate Planner Rachel Simone, Community Development Assistant Michele Lindau, and <br />City Planner Kendra Lindahl <br />2008 Comprehensive Plan Discussion Land Use <br />Lindahl gave a presentation on the process of the comprehensive plan. She explained that the <br />topic for the evening was housing density and land use. The participants were given two <br />worksheets to complete during the workshop. The first exercise was to look at different <br />density options during the presentation and mark the ones that you liked. The second exercise <br />asked about what the residents would like to see done with their property in regards to land <br />use. <br />Adjournment <br />The workshop adjourned at 9:15 p.m. <br />Rachel Simone <br />Associate Planner <br />