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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING OF <br />MARCH 8.2006 <br />Acting Mayor Becky Petryk called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, and Miron (arrived at 8:30 pm) <br />STAFF: City Administrator Mike Ericson and Chris Petree <br />ABSENT: Frank Puleo <br />PARKS COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Kelly Bailly, Jennifer May, Pete Pedersen, Roger Clarke, <br />Charles Kirk, and Rachel Berger <br />ABSENT: Dan Gabrielli <br />REVIEW SOUTH ARCAND PROPERTY SKETCH PLAN <br />The Parks Commission reviewed the sketch plan for the South Arcand Property. The Parks <br />Commission had the following comments: locate the active park area on the north end of the <br />project (closer to existing neighborhoods), use the City's preferred vendors for- amenities at the <br />park and provide more contiguous upland for park property. <br />REVIEW DIAMOND POINT EAST PARK CONCEPT PLAN <br />Landscape Architect Laurie McRostie provided three concept plans for the neighborhood park <br />in Diamond Point East. The Parks Commission preferred Concept Plan A with the following <br />changes: make all trails 10' bituminous, remove hockey rink and include youth ballfield <br />instead, allow sufficient separation between basketball court and play area. Landscape <br />Architect Laurie McRostie will make the changes to the Concept plan and return to the Parks <br />Commission in April with Preliminary Plans for the park. <br />SKATE PARK DISCUSSION & COMMUNITY SKATE PARK COMMITTEE <br />Parks Commissioner Roger Clarke provided a Power Point presentation discussing the survey <br />he has conducted on local skate parks for the skate park committee he serves on for the White <br />Bear School District. The Parks Commission and City Council had a significant discussion on <br />skate parks following Parks Commissioner Clarke's presentation, The Parks Commission and. <br />City Council decided to continue working with the White Bear School District on the skate <br />park committee and to give consideration for construction of a skate park in future park <br />projects. <br />REVIEW CONCEPT PLAN FOR SHELTER AT BEAVER PONDS PARK <br />Landscape Architect Laurie McRostie provided a concept plan for the park shelter at Beaver <br />Ponds Park. The plan shows the shelter to the S.W. of the play equipment at the park and just <br />west of the parking lot. The structure would be similar in design and construction to the Oneka <br />Lake Park shelter only four feet larger. <br />