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2005.03.28 CC Minutes - Joint Hist. Comm. Meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.03.28 CC Minutes - Joint Hist. Comm. Meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT COUNCIL/HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING OF <br />MARCH 28.2005 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. <br />PRESENT: Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSENT: Granger and Haas <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />PRESENT HISTORICAL COMMISSION: Pam Videen, Kitty Cheesebrow, and Vi Maslowski <br />ABSENT: Marohnic, Schoonover, and Waugh <br />HUGO CENTENNIAL OVERVIEW <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson explained that at the February 7, 2005 meeting, the Hugo City <br />Council directed staff to schedule a joint meeting with the Historical Commission in March, to <br />begin discussion and preparation for the City's Centennial on August 15, 2006. He thanks Kitty <br />and the Commission for their research regarding the actual incorporation date for the City, which <br />was verified by the Secretary of State's office. <br />STAFF RESEARCH <br />Mike reported that staff has completed a significant amount of research on communities that <br />have celebrated their centennials. The League of Minnesota Cities research department provided <br />the City with a significant amount of material on centennial commissions and public <br />expenditures. He shared with Council and Commission samples of centennial celebrations from <br />the cities of Sturgeon Lake, MN and McCluskey, ND. <br />IDEAS FROM HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />Kitty Cheesebrow and Pam Videen reviewed with Council a number of ideas generated by the <br />Historical Commission at its March 5, 2005 special meeting. Council agreed to include the list <br />of ideas on the agenda of the first Centennial Commission meeting <br />COUNCIL AND COMMISSION DISCUSSION <br />Mike explained that based on the research, there are two things that need to be done: 1) establish <br />a Centennial Commission; and 2) establish a budget, which cannot be done until the Commission <br />meets and develops a plan. He shared with Council and Commission members a list of the ten <br />groups and organizations from which volunteers could be solicited: Historical Commission; <br />Hugo Lions; American Legion; Hugo Business Association; Senior Citizen Group; City <br />Commissions; City Council; City staff; Hugo Jaycees; and citizen volunteers. Council and <br />Commission members brainstormed and came up with six additional groups, including: area <br />businesses not in HBA; church groups; HFD members and Fireflies; Boy/Girl Scouts; long-time <br />Hugo families/descendents; and local schools and school districts. Council agreed to direct staff <br />to draft a letter to the various groups soliciting membership on the Centennial Commission. <br />
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