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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 2004 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson; CD Director Bryan Bear; City Attorney Dave Snyder; Water Resource <br />Engineers Pete Willenbring and Phil Belfiori; City Planner Kendra Lindahl; PW Director Chris Petree; <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin; and City Clerk Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 11, 2004 <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the October 11, 2004 joint meeting with <br />the Planning Commission regarding rural and open space, as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 2004 <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the minutes for the October 22, 2004 joint meeting with <br />the RCWD regarding the JD2 culvert replacement project, as presented. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 2004 <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the minutes for October 25, 2004 neighborhood <br />meeting regarding the 13& StreetffH61 traffic signal; BLS ambulance service; and Washington <br />County's CDBG program, as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 2004 <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, approve the minutes for the November 1, 2004 meeting, as <br />presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 2004 <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the November 3, 2004 Board of <br />Canvass and the CSAH 8 feasibility study, as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />