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2001.01.10 CC Minutes - End Zone Liquor License
City Council
City Council Minutes
2001 CC Minutes
2001.01.10 CC Minutes - End Zone Liquor License
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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 2001 <br />Acting Mayor Chuck Haas called the meeting to order at 10:10 am. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Mayor Miron arrived at 10:15 pm <br />City Administrator, Michael Ericson <br />City Attorney, Dave Snyder <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Mike Granger <br />At its January 2, 2001 meeting, the Hugo City Council was informed by staff that an on sale liquor <br />license had not been issued to the owners of The End Zone Lounge because they had not paid their <br />property taxes to Washington County, and had not paid an outstanding utility bill to the City of <br />Hugo. Antonina Kramarczuk. appeared before the City. Council and informed Council that as of <br />that day, January 2, 2001, she had paid her property taxes to Washington County. She produced a <br />receipt indicating so. She told the City Council that she was unable to pay her $4,000 outstanding <br />utility bill payment, and requested an extension from the City Council to do so. The City Attorney <br />Dave Snyder informed Council that they had no discretion in the matter, the City ordinance is <br />explicitly clear, and that all fees must be paid before the City can issue a liquor license. Council <br />informed Ms. Kramarczuk that she could not sell alcohol in her establishment unless the City had <br />issued her a liquor license. Ms Kramarczuk indicated her clear understanding of this in a number <br />of ways, as the Council discussed it with her; but most importantly, when she repeated to the <br />Council that unless she was issued a liquor license, she had no way to raise the money to pay the. <br />outstanding utility bill. City Attorney Dave Snyder repeated to Ms. Kramarczuk that she could not <br />sell alcohol at The End Zone Lounge. <br />City'staff followed up on the Council decision the next day, and made a phone call to Ms. <br />Kramarczuk, as well as to the Washington County Sheriff's Department, that a liquor license had <br />not been issued to The End Zone Lounge, and they were not permitted to sell alcohol. On <br />Wednesday, January 3, 2001, the Washington County Sheriffs Department entered. the <br />establishment, and issued a; citation to Alexei Pachtechenko for the sale of alcohol. City Attorney <br />Dave Snyder informed City staff that the City Council cannot take any administrative action <br />against this citation. The prosecuting attorney has informed City staff that a Washington County <br />Judge will act on this citation at some time in the future, and the results of that prosecution will be <br />provided to the City Council for it to review. On Thursday, January 4, 2001, a check in the <br />amount of $3,963.06 was received by the City for payment of the outstanding utility bill. On <br />Friday, January 5, 2001, staff confirmed that sufficient funds were in the company's account to <br />cover the check. <br />t City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended issuing a 2001 on sale liquor license to The End Zone <br />Lounge as all fees due the City have been paid. The matter of the citation will be handled <br />independently of today's action through an administrative hearing at a regular Council meeting. <br />Councilman Haas reminded Mrs. Kramarczuk of the Council's decision to waive the special <br />meeting fee, as well as the salaries of the Mayor and City Council members, and expressed <br />concern of the alleged violation. <br />Timothy Oliver, attorney representing the Smirnove Corporation and respective parties, concurred <br />with issuance of the license and will work with the City Attorney regarding the citation and the <br />administrative hearing. <br />
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